
Android - Sharing

People can share photos from your app to Facebook with the Share Dialog. In order to share, they must have the native Facebook for Android app installed, ...

Android - Sharing - Meta for Developers

... photo) .build();. 影片. 您應用程式的用戶可以使用「分享」對話方塊,將影片分享至Facebook。 請將影片的分享內容建立到 ShareVideoContent 模型中。如需所有屬性的清單 ...

Android Developers - Sharing

Sharing an Image or Video Background Asset. This sample code shows how to pass the Facebook app a background layer image or video asset. · Sharing a Sticker ...

Facebook Android

2015年10月2日 — To share content such as text,images,link we need to use the ShareLinkContent class. We can set the url, title, description to be shared using ...

Google 翻譯

Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。

How to share a picture from your Android phone to Facebook

2019年4月29日 — Launch the Photos app. Tap a photo you'd like to share. Tap ... Tap the Facebook button. Type or add information. Tap Post. How to share a picture ...

How to share image with text on facebook via intent?

2014年3月20日 — Steps · 1) In your AndroidManifest.xml, add a meta-data tag within your <application> section: · 2) also add a <provider> tag outside of your < ...

Images in Link Shares - Meta for Developers

Describes how to specify image(s) in link shares, how to ensure they are displayed properly, how to update them and some caveats.


PeoplecansharephotosfromyourapptoFacebookwiththeShareDialog.Inordertoshare,theymusthavethenativeFacebookforAndroidappinstalled, ...,...photo).build();.影片.您應用程式的用戶可以使用「分享」對話方塊,將影片分享至Facebook。請將影片的分享內容建立到ShareVideoContent模型中。如需所有屬性的清單 ...,SharinganImageorVideoBackgroundAsset.ThissamplecodeshowshowtopasstheFacebookappabackgroundlayerimageorvi...