
Version your app

The Android framework provides an API to let you query the system for version information about your app. To obtain version information, use the ... Set app version information · Version settings · Define version values

Build.VERSION | API reference

Build AI-powered Android apps with Gemini APIs and more. ... Get the samples and docs for the features you need. ... Use the IDE to write and build your app, or ...

Read project version number dynamically, from a file?

I would like to write some groovy (or java) code to read this file and pull the version number out of it and set project.version equal to this value.

Create a task on gradle to get android project versionName from cli

Create a task on gradle to get android project versionName from cli. Raw. build.gradle. apply plugin: 'com.android.library'. apply plugin: Version. android {.

自動產生VersionCode 與VersionName. 透過gradle

編譯Android 程式時會在gradle build script 裡頭決定該打包好的apk 版本相關訊息,其實就是versionCode 和versionName 。 versionName 是顯示給使用者 ...

Get the Android app version programmatically

To get the app version programmatically, we can use the following method.

How can you get the buildversion number of your Android ...

To get the version code use int versionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE; and to get the version name String versionName = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME;

Get Android library module version number from inside demo app

I can programmatically get my app's version name like this: String versionName = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME; // 1.0 However, I have a demo app for a library I am ...

How to Get the Build Version Number of an Android Application?

Navigate to app > java > your app's package name > MainActivity file and add the code below. Comments are added in the code to get to know in ...

How to Retrieve the BuildVersion Number of Your Android Application

Retrieving the version code and version name of your Android application can be done efficiently using either the BuildConfig class or the PackageManager class.


TheAndroidframeworkprovidesanAPItoletyouquerythesystemforversioninformationaboutyourapp.Toobtainversioninformation,usethe ...Setappversioninformation·Versionsettings·Defineversionvalues,BuildAI-poweredAndroidappswithGeminiAPIsandmore....Getthesamplesanddocsforthefeaturesyouneed....UsetheIDEtowriteandbuildyourapp,or ...,Iwouldliketowritesomegroovy(orjava)codetoreadthisfileandpulltheversionnumbe...
