

获取您的Android应用的versionCode和versionName​​ 在Android开发中,versionCode和versionName是两个重要的版本标识符,它们用于区分不同版本的应用程序。 ...

[Solved] Android Version Name and Version Number

As I understand it, Version Name is the main number displayed in the Play Store. The Version Code is basically an internal coding number Google ...

Version your app

The Android framework provides an API to let you query the system for version information about your app. To obtain version information, use the ... Set app version information · Version settings · Define version values

Get Android app version name and version code

Get Android app version name and version code. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

自動產生VersionCode 與VersionName. 透過gradle

versionName 是顯示給使用者看的版本號,像是1.0、1.1 之類的經典組合;而 versionCode 是一組數字,Android 系統會透過 versionCode 的大小來判斷哪一個版本 ...


I want to do some stuff in my own android application where I need to check some system applications versions before. (System & 3rd party apps)

How can you get the buildversion number of your Android ...

To get the version code use int versionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE; and to get the version name String versionName = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME;

How to Get the Build Version Number of an Android Application?

Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio · Step 2: Working with the activity_main.xml file · Step 3: Working with the MainActivity file.

How to Retrieve the BuildVersion Number of Your Android Application

Retrieving the version code and version name of your Android application can be done efficiently using either the BuildConfig class or the PackageManager class.


获取您的Android应用的versionCode和versionName​​在Android开发中,versionCode和versionName是两个重要的版本标识符,它们用于区分不同版本的应用程序。 ...,AsIunderstandit,VersionNameisthemainnumberdisplayedinthePlayStore.TheVersionCodeisbasicallyaninternalcodingnumberGoogle ...,TheAndroidframeworkprovidesanAPItoletyouquerythesystemforversioninformationaboutyourapp.Toobtainversioninformation,usethe ....