
Add menus

The options menu is the primary collection of menu items for an activity. It's where you place actions that have a global impact on the app, such as Search,  ...


2015年8月24日 — According to the the design document set by Google itself, icons should be set to 14sp . I suggest you abide by this recommendation, since this ...

Android option menu

2013年3月14日 — Your image should be 24*24 or 36*36.

android.view.Menu.size java code examples

... Menu menu = mToolbar.getMenu(); for(int i = 0, count = menu.size(); i < count; i++) MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); item.setVisible(item.getGroupId ...

Customizing Menu Items in NavigationView

2021年10月6日 — I have a com.google.android.material.navigation.NavigationView that contains menu items ... item text looks very ugly (most importantly the size).

Menu Icons

Size and positioning ; Menu icon dimensions for medium-density ( mdpi ) screens: Full Asset: 48 x 48 px; Icon: 32 x 32 px; Square Icon: 30 x 30 px ; Menu icon ...

Menu Item Height & Width

2023年3月25日 — This value determines the height of your menu items. 60 = 60px tall. Sub-Menu Item Height. This value determines the height of your sub-menu ...


Design a beautiful user interface using Android best practices. ... Design robust, testable, and maintainable app logic and services. ... Plan for app quality and ...

What are the best sizes for the app icon, logo and menu items?

It should be rectangular and 720 x 360 px. Format: png. Example: Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-19 um 16.21.40.png. Menu item. Size: ...


Theoptionsmenuistheprimarycollectionofmenuitemsforanactivity.It'swhereyouplaceactionsthathaveaglobalimpactontheapp,suchasSearch, ...,2015年8月24日—AccordingtothethedesigndocumentsetbyGoogleitself,iconsshouldbesetto14sp.Isuggestyouabidebythisrecommendation,sincethis ...,2013年3月14日—Yourimageshouldbe24*24or36*36.,...Menumenu=mToolbar.getMenu();for(inti=0,count=menu.size();i

Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具

Easy Context Menu 1.6 右鍵選單萬能工具
