
Alternative to Google Lens

Text Master is Optical Character Recognition powered by Powerful Machine Learning. It automatically recognize the characters from an ...

android-ocr 光学字符识别技术原创

【Android OCR(光学字符识别)项目详解】 在移动设备上实现OCR(Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别)是一项技术挑战,它允许应用自动识别并转换图像 ...


Features: ✓ Scan text from images by using phone's camera. ✓ Powered by Machine Learning & AI. ✓ Supports Multiple Languages, 100+ languages supported. ✓ Highly ...


An experimental app for Android that performs optical character recognition (OCR) on images captured using the device camera. Runs the Tesseract OCR engine ...

OCR Master Image to Text

評分 4.0 (125) · 免費 · Android Whether capturing notes from a blackboard or whiteboard, OCR Master simplifies the process, allowing you to record content effortlessly. ... And much more!

OCR on Android, optical character recognition

In this post we will implement Tesseract library in an Android app, launching the OCR engine on the device itself.

Text Master OCR for Android powered by Machine Learning

It automatically recognize the characters from an image/camera and Scan Printed Text to convert it into Digital Text with 99% accuracy.

Text Master OCR, Image to Text

評分 4.4 (70) · 免費 · Android · 特點: ✓ 使用手機的相機掃描圖像中的文本。 ✓ 由機器學習和人工智能提供支持。 ✓ 也可以離線工作。 ✓ 自動檢測語言。 ✓ 支持53 多種語言,準確率達到98.0% ...

下載OCR Master

由於缺乏設備存儲,網絡連接差或Android設備的兼容性,OCR Master - Scan Image to tex的安裝可能會失敗。因此,請先檢查最低要求,以確保OCR Master - Scan Image to ...


An experimental app for Android that performs optical character recognition (OCR) on images captured using the device camera. Runs the Tesseract OCR engine ...


TextMasterisOpticalCharacterRecognitionpoweredbyPowerfulMachineLearning.Itautomaticallyrecognizethecharactersfroman ...,【AndroidOCR(光学字符识别)项目详解】在移动设备上实现OCR(OpticalCharacterRecognition,光学字符识别)是一项技术挑战,它允许应用自动识别并转换图像 ...,Features:✓Scantextfromimagesbyusingphone'scamera.✓PoweredbyMachineLearning&AI.✓SupportsMultipleLanguages,100+languagessup...