How to Install HTC Mobile USB Driver on Windows 10, 8, 7 ...

DownloadthelatestandoriginalHTCUSBDrivertoconnectanyHTCSmartphoneandTabletstotheWindowsComputerquickly.,Afterthedriverissuccessfullyinstalled,usesoftwaresuchasFileExplorertocopyfilesbetweenyourcomputerandphone.Ifyou'reusingHTCU11orHTC ...,Youshou...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download HTC USB Driver for Windows

Download the latest and original HTC USB Driver to connect any HTC Smartphone and Tablets to the Windows Computer quickly.

How do I get my computer to recognize my phone?

After the driver is successfully installed, use software such as File Explorer to copy files between your computer and phone. If you're using HTC U11 or HTC ...

How to install HTC drivers - Manuals

You should see an HTC Android Phone USB Device as your installed driver for your HTC device. 5.) Re-Run Mobiledit and your HTC device should be connected.

HTC USB devices Drivers Download for Windows 10, 8.1 ...

This page contains the list of download links for HTC USB devices. To download the proper driver you should find the your device name and click the download ...

HTC USB Driver for Windows V4.17.0.001

HTC USB Driver for Windows V4.17.0.001. Download HTC USB Driver, made by HTC. HTC USB Drivers work perfectly with all HTC devices running Android OS.

HTC USB Driver v4.17.0.001 for Windows

HTC USB Driver v4.17.0.001 allows you to connect your HTC Smartphone and Tablets to the Windows Computer and transfer data between the computer and the HTC ...

Install OEM USB drivers

2023年4月12日 — To install the Android USB driver on Windows 8.1 for the first time, do the following: Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.

[DRIVERS] Latest HTC Drivers []

2013年4月2日 — Latest HTC Drivers Latest HTC Drivers extracted from HTC Sync v3.3.21 and HTC Sync Manager v2.0.61.0. Latest Driver Version (HTC Sync): 4.0.


驅動程式安裝成功後,請使用檔案總管等軟體在電腦與手機之間複製檔案。 若使用搭載Android 8 的HTC U11 或HTC U11‍+、HTC U11 EYEs 或先前版本的手機型號:.


DownloadthelatestandoriginalHTCUSBDrivertoconnectanyHTCSmartphoneandTabletstotheWindowsComputerquickly.,Afterthedriverissuccessfullyinstalled,usesoftwaresuchasFileExplorertocopyfilesbetweenyourcomputerandphone.Ifyou'reusingHTCU11orHTC ...,YoushouldseeanHTCAndroidPhoneUSBDeviceasyourinstalleddriverforyourHTCdevice.5.)Re-RunMobileditandyourHTCdeviceshouldbeconnected.,Thispagecontainsthelistofdow...