
Pokemon GO and Fitness TrackersSmart Watch

I have the Fossil Smart Watch and it works great with my Google Pixel. It syncs up with Google Fit on your phone for Adventure Sync. This is a ...

Pokemon Go Gotcha Watch

Go-tcha Evolve (Go-tcha 2) LED-Touch Wristband Watch for Pokemon Go with Auto Catch and Auto Spin - Black/Blue. USB · 3.83.8 out of 5 stars. (3,235).

Pokemon GO on full android smartwatches?

Hi all, Has anyone recently got Pokemon GO working with no compatible issues on any of these full android smartwatches?

Pokemon Go Watch

Datel Go-Tcha Classic for Pokemon Go with Auto Catch/Vibration Feedback/Animated Graphics & More Support iPhone/Android - Black · 3.13.1 out of 5 stars. (236).

Pokémon Sleep Smart Watch Compatibility FAQ

Yes. A Pokémon GO Plus + device and a smartwatch can both be paired with Pokémon Sleep, and both will stay paired to Pokémon Sleep at the same time.

Smartwatch as Pokemon Go Plus Autochatcher?

Tentatively you could reflash an Android/generic Bluetooth one to be a Go Plus that looks like a smartwatch, but you likely wouldn't have all ...

[DEV][WIP][APP] Pokémon Go Plus for WearOS

I've attached the most useful files for connecting with Pokémon Go Plus ripped from the remnants of that decompiled application.

《Pokémon Go》也將登上Android Wear手錶

根據pokemongohub網站引述GitHub論壇所傳出消息,表示在Pokémon Go 0.37.0版本拆解發現日後同樣支援Android Wear平台的消息,意味之後包含LG G Watch、華碩 ...

《Pokemon GO》宣布將於7 月停止支援Apple Watch 及Android 4 ...

此外,《Pokemon GO》也將結束對Android 4 作業系統裝置的支援。 使用此作業系統裝置的訓練家,於2019 年7 月1 日之後將無法再使用《Pokemon GO》。 官方 ...

與Galaxy Watch、Fitbit、Google Pixel Watch連結

介紹如何連結《Pokémon Sleep》與Galaxy Watch、Fitbit、Google Pixel Watch!如何測量睡眠、登錄睡眠資料、解除連結等資訊也可在此確認。


IhavetheFossilSmartWatchanditworksgreatwithmyGooglePixel.ItsyncsupwithGoogleFitonyourphoneforAdventureSync.Thisisa ...,Go-tchaEvolve(Go-tcha2)LED-TouchWristbandWatchforPokemonGowithAutoCatchandAutoSpin-Black/Blue.USB·3.83.8outof5stars.(3,235).,Hiall,HasanyonerecentlygotPokemonGOworkingwithnocompatibleissuesonanyofthesefullandroidsmartwatches?,DatelGo-TchaClassicforPokemonGowithAutoCatch/Vibrat...