
Andy Rubin

Rubin then served as co-founder and CEO of venture capital firm Playground Global from 2015 to 2019. Rubin also helped found Essential Products in 2015, a ...


Playground Global is an early-stage deep tech venture capital firm investing in technical founders to transform ambitious ideas into high-impact businesses.

Building a new Playground Global, after Andy Rubin

Playground Global is rebuilding, months after the departure of controversial founder Andy Rubin and just days after the failure of its ...


Android系統創造者Andy Rubin,創辦了一間公司Playground Global LLC,獲得Google、HP、鴻海等科技廠商投資共4千8百萬美元。

Andy Rubin Reportedly Left His VC Firm With $9 Million Exit Package

Andy Rubin, the Android creator accused of sexual misconduct, quietly left his venture firm Playground with a $9 million exit package, according to a report.

Disgraced Google Exec Andy Rubin Quietly Left His Venture Firm ...

Android creator Andy Rubin left Google with a $90 million exit package after investigations into sexual misconduct. Now he's out at Playground Global.

Andy Rubin - Simple Things

Andy Rubin. Simple Things Utica College. San Francisco Bay Area. 5K followers 500+ connections.

Andy Rubin has left his own incubator — but he's still in the building

Despite ending his business relationship with Playground, Rubin is still listed as a “Founding Partner” on Playground's people page. And ...


Andrew E. Rubin (1963-03-13) (61歲) 美國紐約州查帕誇(英語:Chappaqua, New York) · Playground Global創始人. Essential總裁.


Rubinthenservedasco-founderandCEOofventurecapitalfirmPlaygroundGlobalfrom2015to2019.RubinalsohelpedfoundEssentialProductsin2015,a ...,PlaygroundGlobalisanearly-stagedeeptechventurecapitalfirminvestingintechnicalfounderstotransformambitiousideasintohigh-impactbusinesses.,PlaygroundGlobalisrebuilding,monthsafterthedepartureofcontroversialfounderAndyRubinandjustdaysafterthefailureofits ...,Androi...