Angry Birds Tiffanimated

Story.TheshortopensonastrangemountaintrailonHalloweenNight.ShadowsofFrankenstein'smonster,awitch,andadevilareseenmovingtowardtheMighty ...,Ham'o'weenistheeighthAngryBirdsSeasonsepisode,thesecondHalloween-themedepisodeandthesixthepisodeoftheSeason...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Ham'o'ween Short Movie | Angry Birds Wiki

Story. The short opens on a strange mountain trail on Halloween Night. Shadows of Frankenstein's monster, a witch, and a devil are seen moving toward the Mighty ...

Ham'o'ween | Angry Birds Wiki

Ham'o'ween is the eighth Angry Birds Seasons episode, the second Halloween-themed episode and the sixth episode of the Season 2011 package. The setting is a ...


2014年4月6日 — Stream Ham'o'ween by Angry Birds 2017 on desktop and mobile. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud.

Angry Birds

Three of the little blue angry birds are trick or treating. They gather a heap of candy. Then they spot a large moving creature going over a hill.


Story.TheshortopensonastrangemountaintrailonHalloweenNight.ShadowsofFrankenstein'smonster,awitch,andadevilareseenmovingtowardtheMighty ...,Ham'o'weenistheeighthAngryBirdsSeasonsepisode,thesecondHalloween-themedepisodeandthesixthepisodeoftheSeason2011package.Thesettingisa ...,2014年4月6日—StreamHam'o'weenbyAngryBirds2017ondesktopandmobile.Playover320milliontracksforfreeonSoundCloud.,Threeofthel...