Angry Birds Theme Song (Official High Quality) by Ari Pulkkinen



Angry Birds Epic! Main Theme

Henri Sorvali的歌曲「Angry Birds Epic! Main Theme」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。

Angry Birds Main Theme

Angry Birds Main Theme. Instrumental All Stars. 作詞DR. 作曲DR. 設為來電鈴聲. 朋友來電時您聽到的鈴聲. 設為來電答鈴. 朋友打給您時朋友聽到的鈴聲. 設為背景音樂.

Angry Birds Theme

The Angry Birds Theme is the main theme of Angry Birds is one of the most recognizable songs in the franchise and has become a recurring tune throughout the ...

Angry Birds: Main Theme

Listen to Angry Birds: Main Theme on Spotify. Ari Pulkkinen, Andrew Skeet, London Philharmonic Orchestra · Song · 2011.


HenriSorvali的歌曲「AngryBirdsEpic!MainTheme」在這裡,快打開KKBOX盡情收聽。,AngryBirdsMainTheme.InstrumentalAllStars.作詞DR.作曲DR.設為來電鈴聲.朋友來電時您聽到的鈴聲.設為來電答鈴.朋友打給您時朋友聽到的鈴聲.設為背景音樂.,TheAngryBirdsThemeisthemainthemeofAngryBirdsisoneofthemostrecognizablesongsinthefranchiseandhasbecomearecurringtunethroughoutthe ...,ListentoAngryBirds:MainThemeonSpotify.AriP...

Angry Birds生氣鳥佈景主題(Windows 7專用)

Angry Birds生氣鳥佈景主題(Windows 7專用)
