Angry birds Space (Funny Voice Over)

2017年12月1日—Dec28,2013-TheofficialstoryforAngryBirdsSpace!OutoniOS,Android,PC&Mac!,2012年3月23日—Asbefore,thepigsarelurkinginwoodenandstonestructuresthatmustbedestroyedbycatapultingthebirdsatthem.Thegameincludes60 .....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Angry Birds Space

2017年12月1日 — Dec 28, 2013 - The official story for Angry Birds Space! Out on iOS, Android, PC & Mac!

Angry Birds Space

2012年3月23日 — As before, the pigs are lurking in wooden and stone structures that must be destroyed by catapulting the birds at them. The game includes 60 ...

Angry Birds Space Free

Over 300 interstellar levels! New playable characters! Unique special abilities for each bird! Zero-gravity space adventures!

App of the Week: Angry Birds Space

2012年3月28日 — Well, the battles between the pigs and the birds take place in space where there are gravitational force fields and the game has new varieties ...

Mattel Games Angry Birds

2023年9月26日 — Gear up to bombard villainous hogs in the sandblasted terrain of TATOOINE with this awesome JENGA TATOOINE Battle Game! Take turns being the ...


2017年12月1日—Dec28,2013-TheofficialstoryforAngryBirdsSpace!OutoniOS,Android,PC&Mac!,2012年3月23日—Asbefore,thepigsarelurkinginwoodenandstonestructuresthatmustbedestroyedbycatapultingthebirdsatthem.Thegameincludes60 ...,Over300interstellarlevels!Newplayablecharacters!Uniquespecialabilitiesforeachbird!Zero-gravityspaceadventures!,,2012年3月28日—Well,thebattlesbet...