Angry Birds Gaming

AngryBirdsisaFinnishaction,puzzle,andstrategybasedmediafranchisecreatedbyRovioEntertainment,andownedbySega.Thegameseriesfocuseson ...,AngryBirdswasa2009physics-basedcasualpuzzlevideogamedevelopedbyFinnishvideogamedeveloperRovioEntertainment.Inspi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a Finnish action, puzzle, and strategy based media franchise created by Rovio Entertainment, and owned by Sega. The game series focuses on ...

Angry Birds (video game)

Angry Birds was a 2009 physics-based casual puzzle video game developed by Finnish video game developer Rovio Entertainment. Inspired primarily by a sketch ...

Angry Birds 2

Join hundreds of millions of players for FREE and start the fun slingshot adventure now! Team up with your friends, climb the leaderboards, gather in clans, ...

Angry Birds 2 4+

Play the world's best bird flinging, pig popping game! Use the slingshot to fling birds at the piggies' towers and bring them crashing down – all to save ...

Angry Birds Friends

Compete against the World in 26 NEW Angry Birds levels every week! Or take your chances in the Star Cup as you go head-to-head against individual opponents!

Angry Birds Friends on the App Store

Compete against the World in 26 NEW Angry Birds levels every week! Or take your chances in the Star Cup as you go head-to-head against individual opponents!

Hall Of Games

Hall of Games · Angry Birds Journey. · Angry Birds Minecraft. · Angry Birds Reloaded. · Angry Birds Roblox: Bird Island. · Angry Birds Tennis. · Angry Birds AR/ ...

List of games - Angry Birds Wiki

This is a list of every game in the Angry Birds franchise Angry Birds (China/Time Travel/Rovio Classics) - The original game that started it all and ...


Hall Of Games · Angry Birds Attractions · Play · Angry Birds 2 · Angry Birds Dream Blast · Angry Birds Friends · Angry Birds Journey · Angry Birds Reloaded ...


AngryBirdsisaFinnishaction,puzzle,andstrategybasedmediafranchisecreatedbyRovioEntertainment,andownedbySega.Thegameseriesfocuseson ...,AngryBirdswasa2009physics-basedcasualpuzzlevideogamedevelopedbyFinnishvideogamedeveloperRovioEntertainment.Inspiredprimarilybyasketch ...,JoinhundredsofmillionsofplayersforFREEandstartthefunslingshotadventurenow!Teamupwithyourfriends,climbtheleaderboards,gatheri...