Lars Von Trier's "Antichrist"

2021年10月17日—ThemoviefollowsacouplemadeupofShe(CharlotteGainsbourg)andHe(WillemDafoe)aftertheirson'sdeath,whofallsfromawindowby ...,Antichrist(stylizedasANTICHRIS♀)isa2009horrorartfilmwrittenanddirectedbyLarsvonTrier.ItstarsWillemDafoeandCharlo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Let's Talk About Lars von Trier's Antichrist (2009)

2021年10月17日 — The movie follows a couple made up of She (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and He (Willem Dafoe) after their son's death, who falls from a window by ...

Antichrist (film)

Antichrist (stylized as ANTICHRIS♀) is a 2009 horror art film written and directed by Lars von Trier. It stars Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg as a ...

Lars von Trier's Antichrist

By naming his film Antichrist, von Trier calls up not only Nietzsche's work of bad-boy philosophy but also ready associations with the Christian apocalyptic ...


內容簡介. Written and directed by Lars von Trier, one of the most influential and provocative filmmakers working today, Antichrist (2009), tells a story of ...

Antichrist (2009)

Antichrist: Directed by Lars von Trier. With Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Storm Acheche Sahlstrøm. A grieving couple retreat to their cabin in the ...


Gruesome, explicit and highly controversial; Lars Von Triers arthouse-horror, though beautifully shot, is no easy ride. Read Critics Reviews.


2009年7月15日 — Von Trier has admitted that, of all his films, Antichrist comes closest to a scream. It exposes us to an untamed erotic and aggressive ...


2021年10月17日—ThemoviefollowsacouplemadeupofShe(CharlotteGainsbourg)andHe(WillemDafoe)aftertheirson'sdeath,whofallsfromawindowby ...,Antichrist(stylizedasANTICHRIS♀)isa2009horrorartfilmwrittenanddirectedbyLarsvonTrier.ItstarsWillemDafoeandCharlotteGainsbourgasa ...,BynaminghisfilmAntichrist,vonTriercallsupnotonlyNietzsche'sworkofbad-boyphilosophybutalsoreadyassociationswiththeChristianapocaly...