Antichrist Superstar



Antichrist Superstar

Antichrist Superstar is the second studio album by American rock band Marilyn Manson. It was released on October 8, 1996, by Nothing and Interscope Records.

Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson的專輯

專輯名的靈感來自Andrew Lloyd Webber 的音樂劇《Jesus Christ Superstar》,而這張概念性的專輯則刻畫了一位富有煽動性的反基督搖滾明星的形象,用華麗詭譎的風格與褻瀆邪惡 ...

Antichrist Superstar - Album by Marilyn Manson

Listen to Antichrist Superstar on Spotify · Album · Marilyn Manson · 1996 · 17 songs.

Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar by NA (0100-01

評分 4.8 (1,423) My original copy from 1996 was destroyed in a flood and I wanted a replacement as it's one of my favorite albums. It came without the cardboard slipcase ...

Antichrist Superstar - Album Version

Marilyn Manson (瑪莉蓮曼森樂團)的歌曲「Antichrist Superstar - Album Version」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。

Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar (From Dead To The World) 18M views 15 years ago #MarilynManson #MetalMusic #Metal

Antichrist Superstar

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Antichrist Superstar · Marilyn Manson Antichrist Superstar ℗ 1996 UMG Recordings, Inc. Released ...

Marilyn Manson《Antichrist Superstar》離經叛道與尼采超人說

《Antichrist Superstar》專輯包裝精美,視覺展現概念飽滿的暗黑藝術,冊子中涵蓋各種醫學圖表、卡巴拉(Kabbalah,希伯來語字面意義是「接受/傳承」,思想連結 ...

Antichrist Superstar

Antichrist Superstar是瑪麗蓮·曼森第二張個人專輯Antichrist Superstar中的主打歌曲。這首歌闡明了這張專輯的主旨,與基督教的上帝做鬥爭, 狂怒地毀掉一切反對力量。


AntichristSuperstaristhesecondstudioalbumbyAmericanrockbandMarilynManson.ItwasreleasedonOctober8,1996,byNothingandInterscopeRecords.,專輯名的靈感來自AndrewLloydWebber的音樂劇《JesusChristSuperstar》,而這張概念性的專輯則刻畫了一位富有煽動性的反基督搖滾明星的形象,用華麗詭譎的風格與褻瀆邪惡 ...,ListentoAntichristSuperstaronSpotify·Album·MarilynManson·1996·17songs.,評分4.8(1,423)Myoriginalcopyfr...