
The Annual Anti-Virus Review for 2015

What anti-virus program has been rated the best for 2015 by the Spice Heads? I seriously think you can't get a true, unbiased review of these ...

what is best 2015 antivirus program for my iMac

No Antivirus is the best option to keep your Mac running, since Macs don't get viruses and antivirus software only slows down the computer.

Avast Free antivirus 2015 full review

Verdict: Avast free antivirus is good. Not the best, but good. Hardened mode makes it the best but causes false positives. However, you could ...

Mac Security Test & Review 2015 - AV

AVG AntiVirus for Mac is a simple, easy-to-use antivirus program for Mac, with all essential features. Its detection of Mac malware was perfect.

Test Avast Free Antivirus 2015 for Windows 8 (152313) - AV

AV-TEST Product Review and Certification Report – May-Jun/2015 · Protection. Protection against malware infections (such as viruses, worms or Trojan horses)

Test Avira Antivirus Pro 2015 for Windows 10 (153780) - AV

Protection against 0-day malware attacks, inclusive of web and e-mail threats (Real-World Testing) 142 samples used · Detection of widespread and prevalent ...

The Best Free Antivirus for 2015 | PCMag.com

This article provides a side-by-side comparison of the best free antivirus packages out there. Their pick for the top choice? Panda Free Antivirus 2015, which ...

Baidu Antivirus 2015 Review

評分 2.5 · Neil J. Rubenking · Baidu Antivirus 2015 has definitely improved since we tested it last year. However, it's still not a recommended choice for free antivirus ...

Best Antivirus Software Solution for 2015 Awards Announced

Kaspersky Lab bestowed the best antivirus software solution for 2015. Kaspersky Lab is one of the two AV engines at the core of SpamTitan anti-spam solutions.

Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2015 Review

評分 3.5 · Jill Scharr · Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus provides all the basics of a modern antivirus program. However, its lack of extra features and somewhat muddled interface


Whatanti-virusprogramhasbeenratedthebestfor2015bytheSpiceHeads?Iseriouslythinkyoucan'tgetatrue,unbiasedreviewofthese ...,NoAntivirusisthebestoptiontokeepyourMacrunning,sinceMacsdon'tgetvirusesandantivirussoftwareonlyslowsdownthecomputer.,Verdict:Avastfreeantivirusisgood.Notthebest,butgood.Hardenedmodemakesitthebestbutcausesfalsepositives.However,youcould ...,AVGAntiVirusforMacisasimple,easy-to...