Zenfone Max 2016 (SD615 ) Gaming Review with Benchmark Scores

CompletingtheTop10arethefollowingphones:VivoXPlay5,SamsungGalaxyNote7,LeEcoLeMax2,andNubiaZ11.Ifyoumayremember,AnTuTu ...,Antutubenchmarksandranksthetopsmartphoneprocessorsfor2016·Qualcomm820–136,383·AppleA9–132,657·SamsungExynos8890–129,865 ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


AnTuTu releases smartphone benchmark ranking for September 2016

Completing the Top 10 are the following phones: Vivo XPlay 5, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, LeEco Le Max 2, and Nubia Z11. If you may remember, AnTuTu ...

Antutu benchmarks and ranks the top smartphone processors for 2016

Antutu benchmarks and ranks the top smartphone processors for 2016 · Qualcomm 820 – 136,383 · Apple A9 – 132,657 · Samsung Exynos 8890 – 129,865 ...

Antutu releases top ten scoring phones in 2016

The chart shows that top average score of 181,316 belongs to the Apple iPhone 7 Plus. The A10 chipset kicked butt last year, improving on the ...

iOS Ranking - AnTuTu Benchmark

Latest AnTuTu iOS benchmark ranking,the best smartphone list. CPU · GPU · MEM · UX

Antutu Report:TOP 10 Performance Smartphones, Q1 2016

In 2016 Q1 performance ranking, Xiaomi 5 claimed the top position, with the Antutu score of 136875. Galaxy S7/Edge followed closely with 134599.

Top 10 Performance Smartphones, November 2016

In the ranking list of November, iPhone 7 continued to top the list. The new comer Xiaomi Note 2 ranked sixth with an average Antutu score of 148352.

Best Performance Smartphones of 2016

In Android camp, OnePlus 3T which was released in November claimed the top position with an average Antutu score of 163578. This model is ...

News - AnTuTu Benchmark

Antutu Report:TOP 10 Performance Smartphones, Q1 2016. With the coming of Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 devices, big changes in 2016 Q1 Antutu performance ranking.

Antutu Report

評分 4.2 (10) · Antutu Top 10 Performance Smartphones of August has finally released. What's new in the smartphone performance ranking list of August? Come and check with us ...

AnTuTu releases the top ten scoring phones of 2016

The OnePlus 3 was no slouch either, scoring sixth on the overall list and fourth among Android phones with an average AnTuTu score of 147,495.


CompletingtheTop10arethefollowingphones:VivoXPlay5,SamsungGalaxyNote7,LeEcoLeMax2,andNubiaZ11.Ifyoumayremember,AnTuTu ...,Antutubenchmarksandranksthetopsmartphoneprocessorsfor2016·Qualcomm820–136,383·AppleA9–132,657·SamsungExynos8890–129,865 ...,Thechartshowsthattopaveragescoreof181,316belongstotheAppleiPhone7Plus.TheA10chipsetkickedbuttlastyear,improvingonthe ...,LatestAnTuTuiOSbenchmarkranki...