How to make a Google Account

CreateaGoogleAccount.You'llhelpmanagethisaccountuntilyourchildis13(orapplicableageinyourcountry).Manageyourchild'saccountandprivacy ...,Youcancreateoneatthefollowinglink:,usingyourexistingemailaccountorbycreating...。參考影片的文章的如下:


gmail - Sign in

Create a Google Account. You'll help manage this account until your child is 13 (or applicable age in your country). Manage your child's account and privacy ...

How to Create a Google Account

You can create one at the following link:, using your existing email account or by creating a Gmail account.

Create a Google Account

Step 1: Choose a Google Account type · Go to the Google Account sign in page. · Click Create account. From the drop down, select if this account is for your:.

Create a Gmail account

Sign up for a Gmail account · From your device, go to the Google Account sign in page. · Click Create account. · In the drop down, select if the account is for ...

Sign in

Create account. For my personal use; For work or my business. English (United ... Sign in Use your Google Account.

Google Account

In your Google Account, you can see and manage your info, activity, security options and privacy preferences to make Google work better for you.

How to Make a Google Account: Step-by-Step Guide & FAQ

Step 1 Go to 1. Go to ; Step 2 Click Create account. 2. Click Create account. ; Step 3 ...

How To Create Google Account

create #google #account In this video we cover how to create a new Google account in 2024.


CreateaGoogleAccount.You'llhelpmanagethisaccountuntilyourchildis13(orapplicableageinyourcountry).Manageyourchild'saccountandprivacy ...,Youcancreateoneatthefollowinglink:,usingyourexistingemailaccountorbycreatingaGmailaccount.,Step1:ChooseaGoogleAccounttype·GototheGoogleAccountsigninpage.·ClickCreateaccount.Fromthedropdown,selectifthisaccountisforyour:.,Signup...