Asher Book《Try》---

Verse:CGAmIfiwalkwouldyourunEFIfistopwouldyoucomeFCFGIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelievemeCGAmEFIfiaskyoutostay ...,ChorddanLirikTry-AsherBook·GAmIfiwalkwouldyourun·FIfistopwouldyoucome·FGIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelieveme·GAmEFIfi ...,評分3.5(11)...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Try - Chords Easy - Asher Book (Version 1)

Verse: C G Am If i walk would you run E F If i stop would you come F C F G If i say you're the one would you believe me C G Am E F If i ask you to stay ...

Chord dan Lirik Lagu Try - Asher Book

Chord dan Lirik Try - Asher Book · G Am If i walk would you run · F If i stop would you come · F G If i say you're the one would you believe me · G Am E F If i ...

TRY CHORDS by Asher Book @ Ultimate

評分 3.5 (11) Standard tuning / [Intro] C G Am F X2 / [Verse] C G Am If i walk would you run F C If i stop would you come G Am F If i say you're the one would you believe ...

TRY CHORDS (ver 3) by Asher Book @ Ultimate

Try Chords by Asher Book ; Difficulty: intermediate ; Tuning: C F Bb Eb G C ; Last edit: Feb 11, 2014.

TRY Ukulele Tabs by Asher Book on UkuTabs

評分 8/10 (5) Ukulele chords and tabs for Try by Asher Book. Free, curated and guaranteed quality with ukulele chord diagrams, transposer and auto scroller.

Try - Asher Book

(intro) B F# G#m Eb7 Em(maj7) E6 Em(maj7) Ebm/F# F# (verse) B F# G#m If i walk would you run Eb7 Em(maj7) If i stop would you come E6 Em(maj7) Ebm/F# If i ...

Try Chords by Asher Book

Standard (EADGBE). C If i wa G lk would you r Am un. If i s E top would you F come. I F f i say you' C re the one F would you b G elieve me.

Asher Book - Nancy's Guitar Tutorial 吉他弹唱教学吉他教程

【吉他教学】Try - Asher Book - Nancy's Guitar Tutorial 吉他弹唱教学吉他教程 · Comments24.

Asher Book

try · C G Am If i walk would you run · E F. If i stop would you come · F C F G. If i say you're the one ...


Verse:CGAmIfiwalkwouldyourunEFIfistopwouldyoucomeFCFGIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelievemeCGAmEFIfiaskyoutostay ...,ChorddanLirikTry-AsherBook·GAmIfiwalkwouldyourun·FIfistopwouldyoucome·FGIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelieveme·GAmEFIfi ...,評分3.5(11)Standardtuning/[Intro]CGAmFX2/[Verse]CGAmIfiwalkwouldyourunFCIfistopwouldyoucomeGAmFIfisayyou'retheonewouldyoubelieve ...,TryChordsbyAsherBook;Difficu...