
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Set over a decade after Black Flag's main campaign, Freedom Cry follows Adéwalé, Edward's former quartermaster who became an Assassin. Assassin's Creed IV: ... Edward Kenway · Laureano de Torres y Ayala · Darby McDevitt

Assassin's Creed Black Flag movie concept casts Chris Hemsworth ...

An 'Assassin's Creed Black Flag' concept trailer has been created by the YouTube channel Smasher and it cleverly infuses a live-action trailer from Ubisoft.

The Devil's Spear: Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag (Short 2013)

評分 7.2/10 (59) The Devil's Spear: Assassin's Creed 4 - Black Flag: Directed by Sam Gorski, Niko Pueringer. With Rob August, Alan Heyburn, Ken Lally, Matthew Mercer.

Assassins Creed Black Flag Short Film

評分 6.8/10 (46) With James Gaisford, Paul Hunt, William Rubio. A short fan film based on Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag ... Assassin's Creed Black Flag E3 Trailer.

Black Flag Movie Trailer starring Chris Hemsworth as Edward Kenway!

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Movie Trailer starring Chris Hemsworth as Edward Kenway! Concept Trailer Play

Would a movie based off of Black Flag, with Edward Kenway as the ...

A movie based off of Black Flag, with Edward Kenway as the protagonist be interesting? I think this would be better than that AC movie we did get.

Black Flag - Movie Trailer Concept Chris Hemsworth

Fighting Like a Devil. Dressed as a Man. Black Flag ▽ CONCEPT teaser trailer for a possible next installment of the Assassin'ss Creed ...

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (The Movie)

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (The Movie). 2.1M views · 11 years ago ... Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag All Cutscenes Movie. lzuniy•3.7M ...


Comments395 ; Assassins Creed Black Flag Short Film. MainstayPro · 3.4M views ; The Devil's Spear (Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag). Corridor ...

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (The Movie) [Ad-Free]

Thank you for supporting the channel! The story of Assassin's Creed Black Flag, edited into a movie. For this, I disabled all HUD elements ...


SetoveradecadeafterBlackFlag'smaincampaign,FreedomCryfollowsAdéwalé,Edward'sformerquartermasterwhobecameanAssassin.Assassin'sCreedIV: ...EdwardKenway·LaureanodeTorresyAyala·DarbyMcDevitt,An'Assassin'sCreedBlackFlag'concepttrailerhasbeencreatedbytheYouTubechannelSmasheranditcleverlyinfusesalive-actiontrailerfromUbisoft.,評分7.2/10(59)TheDevil'sSpear:Assassin'sCreed4-BlackFlag:DirectedbySamGorsk...