AC4BF《刺客教條4:黑旗》Freedom Cry「自由的吶喊 ...

※此遊戲序號可在Uplay上直接啟動遊戲。收錄內容:你將扮演由奴隸成為刺客的阿德瓦勒,在自己的海盜團員協助下,為自由奮鬥。生為奴隸的阿德瓦勒在愛德華.肯威的寒鴉號上,發現 ...,FreedomCryisasingle-playerdownloadablecontentadditionforAssassin'sCreedIV:Blac...。參考影片的文章的如下:


刺客教條4:黑旗自由吶喊英文數位版DLC(Assassin's Creed ...

※此遊戲序號可在Uplay上直接啟動遊戲。 收錄內容:你將扮演由奴隸成為刺客的阿德瓦勒,在自己的海盜團員協助下,為自由奮鬥。生為奴隸的阿德瓦勒在愛德華.肯威的寒鴉號上,發現 ...

Freedom Cry | Assassin's Creed Wiki

Freedom Cry is a single-player downloadable content addition for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. The DLC was released on 17 December 2013 for PSN and Xbox ...

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Quebec and published by Ubisoft. Set in the French colony of ... Gameplay · Plot · Development and release · Reception

Save 75% on Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry on Steam

評分 3.5 (2,331) · Play as Adewale, an ex-slave turned Assassin fighting for freedom with the help of his own Pirate crew.

在Steam 購買Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry 即可省下75%

供應中 評分 3.5 (2,281) 系統需求 · 作業系統*: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 10(64-bit versions only) · 處理器: Intel Core i5 2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 940 @ 3.0 GHz or better

刺客教條:自由的吶喊(獨立遊戲) 標準版

刺客教條:自由的吶喊(獨立遊戲) 標準版 ; 平台: PC (數位) ; 一般資訊. 發售日期:: 19/12/2013. 描述: 不需要《刺客教條4:黑旗》遊戲方可遊玩。已經擁有《刺客教條4:黑旗》並 ...

Assassins Creed: Black flag - Freedom Cry is a masterpiece

It's a short story, the ups and downs of the Maroons, the evils of the French and Adewales dedication to freeing slaves struck me.

購買Assassin's Creed® IV Black Flag™ – Freedom Cry

供應中 Born a slave, Adewale found freedom as a pirate aboard Edward Kenway's ship, the Jackdaw. 15 years later, Adewale has become a trained Assassin who finds ...

自由的吶喊》Gameplay Walkthrough 實機遊玩解析[中文字幕]

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry《刺客教條:自由的吶喊》Gameplay Walkthrough 實機遊玩解析[中文字幕] - Ubisoft SEA. 22K views · 11 years ago


※此遊戲序號可在Uplay上直接啟動遊戲。收錄內容:你將扮演由奴隸成為刺客的阿德瓦勒,在自己的海盜團員協助下,為自由奮鬥。生為奴隸的阿德瓦勒在愛德華.肯威的寒鴉號上,發現 ...,FreedomCryisasingle-playerdownloadablecontentadditionforAssassin'sCreedIV:BlackFlag.TheDLCwasreleasedon17December2013forPSNandXbox ...,Assassin'sCreedFreedomCryisanaction-adventurevideogamedevelopedbyUbisoftQuebecandpublishedbyU...