Assassin's Creed Liberation HD - All Persona

Assassin'sCreedIII:Liberation-AllPersonaCollectibles.ListofallPersonaCollectiblesincludingAssassin'sCoins,PreciousStonesandVoodooDolls ...,Afteryoucollectallthedolls,brooches,andcoins,thetrophywillpop.Thiscanalsobeyourcheckmarkastowhichcollectibl...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Assassin's Creed III: Liberation - All Persona Collectibles

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation - All Persona Collectibles. List of all Persona Collectibles including Assassin's Coins, Precious Stones and Voodoo Dolls ...

Persona Collector Trophy • Assassin's Creed Liberation

After you collect all the dolls, brooches, and coins, the trophy will pop. This can also be your checkmark as to which collectibles you've ...

Persona Collectibles - Assassin's Creed Liberation Guide

There are three types of collectibles only accessible by a specific persona. These will start to appear during sequence 4.

Persona Collector Trophy in Assassin's Creed III

Persona Collector is a Silver trophy in Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. It can be received for: Collect every persona-specific collectible.

Persona Collector Trophy in Assassin's Creed

Persona Collector is a Gold trophy in Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD. It can be received for: Collect every persona-specific collectible.

Persona Collector achievement in Assassin's Creed Liberation HD

How to unlock the Persona Collector achievement in Assassin's Creed Liberation HD: Collect every persona-specific collectible.


This achievement refers to three types of collectables, one for each persona. They start appearing on the map during sequence 4.

Persona Collector [All Coins, Precious Stones & Voodoo Dolls]

Assassin's Creed: Liberation - All Coins, Precious Stones & Voodoo Dolls for the Persona Collectors trophy/achievement Guide / Mission ...

All Assassin Coins (Persona Collector Trophy Achievement Guide)

There are a total of 10 Assassin Coins in Assassin's Creed Liberation HD. Finding all of them is required for the Persona Collector trophy ...


Assassin'sCreedIII:Liberation-AllPersonaCollectibles.ListofallPersonaCollectiblesincludingAssassin'sCoins,PreciousStonesandVoodooDolls ...,Afteryoucollectallthedolls,brooches,andcoins,thetrophywillpop.Thiscanalsobeyourcheckmarkastowhichcollectiblesyou've ...,Therearethreetypesofcollectiblesonlyaccessiblebyaspecificpersona.Thesewillstarttoappearduringsequence4.,PersonaCollectorisaSilvertrophyin...