
Michael Fassbender Is Making Another Assassin Movie ...

2021年2月24日 — Sadly or not-so-sadly, he won't be giving an Assassin's Creed sequel a pass, but there is some good news for those who like to watch their ...

The Assassin's Creed film if it were actually successful

2023年7月3日 — The sequel, hypothetically called Assassin's Creed: Saboteur, would have been about Cal continuing his career as an Assassin with the historical ...

Why Assassin's Creed 2 Never Happened

7 天前 — Assassin's Creed 2 was in the works following the first movie, and a Cold War setting was even being considered, but the sequel never ...

Will There Be An Assassin's Creed 2?

2022年11月10日 — No sequel, but multiple shows are coming to Netflix. Assassin's Creed movie still 20th Century Fox. While the sequel appears to be dead in the ...


《刺客教條》(英語:Assassin's Creed,中國大陸譯《刺客信條》)是一部2016年美國動作冒險片,由賈斯汀·克佐執導,比爾·克爾吉、亞當·庫珀與麥可·萊斯利編劇。


2021年2月24日—Sadlyornot-so-sadly,hewon'tbegivinganAssassin'sCreedsequelapass,butthereissomegoodnewsforthosewholiketowatchtheir ...,2023年7月3日—Thesequel,hypotheticallycalledAssassin'sCreed:Saboteur,wouldhavebeenaboutCalcontinuinghiscareerasanAssassinwiththehistorical ...,7天前—Assassin'sCreed2wasintheworksfollowingthefirstmovie,andaColdWarsettingwasevenbeingconsidered,butthesequelnever ...,2...