Assassin's Creed Origins PS5 Pro Gameplay Review

評分81%(70)·LatestCriticReviews...Assassin'sCreed:Originsisthebestgameintheseries,butit'samediocreactionRPGatitscore.Inthissense,it ...,Withoutdoubt,Assassin'sCreed:Originsisoneofthebestentriesintheseries.Thegamesetsitselfapartfromhisbrethrenwith...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Assassin's Creed Origins Reviews

評分 81% (70) · Latest Critic Reviews ... Assassin's Creed: Origins is the best game in the series, but it's a mediocre action RPG at its core. In this sense, it ...

Assassin's Creed Origins critic reviews

Without doubt, Assassin's Creed: Origins is one of the best entries in the series. The game sets itself apart from his brethren with radical changes to combat ...

Assassin's Creed Origins user reviews

A masterpiece in video game scenario design. Very good historical detail and context. Fine story. Very bad combat and enemy design. The curse of the Pharaoh DLC ...

Assassin's Creed Origins: The Curse of the Pharaohs

評分 83% (15) Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs is a great expansion that does a fantastic job of bringing ancient Egypt's spiritual side to life. Channelling ...

Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones Reviews

評分 73% (16) The main story takes more or less 3 hours, but it is very interesting, and captivates you , mainly from the half to the end of the story. Also, there are a few ...

Assassin's Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins: Curse of the Pharaohs is a great expansion that does a fantastic job of bringing ancient Egypt's spiritual side to life. Channelling ...

Assassin's Creed Origins details

評分 81% (70) Set in mysterious Ancient Egypt, Assassin's Creed Origins is a new beginning. Experience a new way to fight while exploring the Great Pyramids and hidden ...


評分81%(70)·LatestCriticReviews...Assassin'sCreed:Originsisthebestgameintheseries,butit'samediocreactionRPGatitscore.Inthissense,it ...,Withoutdoubt,Assassin'sCreed:Originsisoneofthebestentriesintheseries.Thegamesetsitselfapartfromhisbrethrenwithradicalchangestocombat ...,Amasterpieceinvideogamescenariodesign.Verygoodhistoricaldetailandcontext.Finestory.Verybadcombatandenemydesign.Thecurseofth...