
從價位上看來,32吋的ASUSPQ321Q與DELLUltraSharpUP3214Q都不便宜,DELLUltraSharpUP3214Q最低也要88ㄝ000元,ASUSPQ321Q也要95000元。,Whilenottruly4K,itisa3840x2160LCDdisplaythatcanacceptanUltraHighDefinition(UHD)signaloverHDMIandDisplayPort.Italso ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


華碩ASUS PQ321Q速寫開箱,32吋4K顯示器中的優質選擇!

從價位上看來,32吋的ASUS PQ321Q與DELL UltraSharp UP3214Q都不便宜,DELL UltraSharp UP3214Q最低也要88ㄝ000元,ASUS PQ321Q也要95000元。

ASUS PQ321Q UltraHD Monitor Review: Living with a 31.5

While not truly 4K, it is a 3840x2160 LCD display that can accept an Ultra High Definition (UHD) signal over HDMI and DisplayPort. It also ...

PQ321Q | Monitores

Phenomenal 4K Visuals. The ASUS PQ321Q True 4K UHD monitor provides stunning visuals with an ultra-high definition 3840 x 2160 resolution. The anti-glare 31.5- ...

PQ321Q | Monitors

The ASUS PQ321 True 4K UHD Monitor is a 31.5-inch LED-backlit 4K Ultra HD display with a 3840 x 2160 resolution IGZO display with a 16:9 aspect ratio.

PQ321Q | Monitors |

The ASUS PQ321Q True 4K UHD monitor is a 10-bit RGB panels that delivers more natural transitions between different hues and offers a more flawless image than ...

ASUS PQ321Q - Sharp 製品的4K螢幕

總之, 追求好畫質, PQ321Q是個好選擇, 但同時也要接受高接析度對硬體效能的挑戰. 還有相容性其實沒有想像中那麼完善. 而且現在市面上還出現只能30Hz顯示的 ...

華碩ASUS 4K 螢幕PQ321 簡易評測

PQ321Q除了一般的亮度對比色溫等選項外,還可以對RGB個別調整contrast及offset,以便對顏色準度有更高要求的使用者調出滿意的畫面。PQ321Q的預設色彩表現 ...

ASUS,4K螢幕,多4吋,價差如此大(PB287Q VS PQ321Q)

ASUS,4K螢幕,多4吋,價差如此大(PB287Q VS PQ321Q) PB287Q 799美金(台幣約2萬4) PQ321Q 台幣約10萬5 如果沒錯兩台同樣都是3840 x 2160

Asus 4K PQ321Q Monitor

The screen resolution offers 4x the space of the ubiquitous Full HD 1920×1080 resolution that the majority of monitors offer these days. This ...

ASUS華碩PQ321Q - 液晶電視螢幕>

面板尺寸: 31.5(80.1 cm) 16:9 寬螢幕 色彩飽和度: 80%(NTSC) 面板類型: IGZO 真實解析度: 3840x2160 畫素點距: 0.182mm 亮度(最大) : 350 cd/㎡ 對比率(最大) : 800:1


從價位上看來,32吋的ASUSPQ321Q與DELLUltraSharpUP3214Q都不便宜,DELLUltraSharpUP3214Q最低也要88ㄝ000元,ASUSPQ321Q也要95000元。,Whilenottruly4K,itisa3840x2160LCDdisplaythatcanacceptanUltraHighDefinition(UHD)signaloverHDMIandDisplayPort.Italso ...,Phenomenal4KVisuals.TheASUSPQ321QTrue4KUHDmonitorprovidesstunningvisualswithanultra-highdefinition3840x2160resolution.Theanti-glare31.5- ...,TheASUSPQ...

華碩 CES 2018 新產品新資訊快速一覽

華碩 CES 2018 新產品新資訊快速一覽
