

The projector is a great handy small size but packs a punch in performance. We bought this to use in our camper van and it is fabulous to be able to sit inside ...

Customer reviews

- The autofocus and auto keystone correction are pretty impressive. - It is short throw projector meaning it can project large images from shorter distances ...

ZenBeam S2

When you buy an ASUS ZenBeam S2, you get a 30000-hour LED lamp, a 6000mAh battery, four I/O ports and unlimited portability. See all.

ZenBeam S2

ASUS ZenBeam S2. 檢視全部. 獎項. 實際的投影畫面卻比想像的清晰。不過最特別之處 ... ASUS ZenBeam S2 is an interesting option for organizing your own small cinema ...

ASUS ZenBeam S2 portable LED projector

2019年12月7日 — The ASUS ZenBeam S2 is a smart and convenient way to get a decent sized picture up in almost no time. All you need is a source and flat surface.

ASUS ZenBeam S2 User Reviews

ASUS ZenBeam S2 User Reviews · ASUS ZenBeam S2 · User Reviews. Write a Review. No User Reviews.

ASUS ZenBeam S2 DLP Projector Specs

From ASUS — The Asus ZenBeam S2 projector features automatic horizontal and vertical keystone adjustments of up to ±30 degrees to correct for trapezoidal ...


Theprojectorisagreathandysmallsizebutpacksapunchinperformance.Weboughtthistouseinourcampervananditisfabuloustobeabletositinside ...,-Theautofocusandautokeystonecorrectionareprettyimpressive.-Itisshortthrowprojectormeaningitcanprojectlargeimagesfromshorterdistances ...,WhenyoubuyanASUSZenBeamS2,yougeta30000-hourLEDlamp,a6000mAhbattery,fourI/Oportsandunlimitedportability.Seeall.,ASUSZenBeamS2.檢...