#SELinux Troubleshooting

android/platform/external/selinux/099223b/./policycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.1...auditdisrunning;useausearch--mavc|audit2allow ...,2.调试工具:`audit2allow`和`setenforce`是两个常用的调试工具。`audit2allow`可以帮助分析审计日志并生成修复策略...。參考影片的文章的如下:



android / platform / external / selinux / 099223b / . / policycoreutils / audit2allow / audit2allow.1 ... auditd is running; use ausearch --m avc | audit2allow ...

Android 使用audit2allow 工具添加SELinux权限原创

2. 调试工具:`audit2allow`和`setenforce`是两个常用的调试工具。`audit2allow`可以帮助分析审计日志并生成修复策略,`setenforce`则可以临时切换SELinux ...

使用audit2allow 工具添加SELinux权限的方法原创

audit2allow 包含在Android 源代码树中,会在您基于源代码构建Android 时自动编译。 继续访问. 【android 9】【selinux】【2.工具篇】. 可跳转到下面 ...

Addressing selinux denials using audit2allow for android using logcat

Goto android source code root and then execute following commands. # Keep the logcat.log in the root. export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(pwd).

SE Linux audit2allow for Android

Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. npjohnson/SE Linux audit2allow for Android Last active 7 years ago Show Gist options Download ZIP

Understanding SELinux in Android AOSP

audit2allow parses system logs containing AVC (Access Vector Cache) denials, such as those found in adb logcat output or /var/log/audit/audit.

SELinux Configuration and Rules

Some useful tools for SELinux · audit2allow. audit2allow is a host SELinux tool, which can be used to generate sepolicy rules based on the log file. · load_policy.


请使用Linux 发行版提供的软件包(Debian 和Ubuntu 上为 policycoreutils-python-utils 软件包)。 audit2allow 工具可以获取 dmesg 拒绝事件并将其转换成相应的SELinux 政策 ...

audit2allow 添加SELinux权限- 鲸小鱼-

第一步,把手机里面的policy文件拉到本地。 第二步,复现问题。 第三步,把log喂给audit2allow命令来帮助我们生成selinux rule。 假如有 ...


android/platform/external/selinux/099223b/./policycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.1...auditdisrunning;useausearch--mavc|audit2allow ...,2.调试工具:`audit2allow`和`setenforce`是两个常用的调试工具。`audit2allow`可以帮助分析审计日志并生成修复策略,`setenforce`则可以临时切换SELinux ...,audit2allow包含在Android源代码树中,会在您基于源代码构建Android时自动编译。继续访问.【android9】【selinux】【2...