Samsung AR Space

WithSamsungHAARapplication,youcandiscoverthegroundbreakingtechnologyofSamsung'shomeappliancesinAugmentedReality(AR).Itisanintegratedapp ...,SamsungARZoneistheofficialSamsungappfortakingadvantageofallthelatestupdatesfeaturingaugmentedrealitytechno...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Samsung HA AR

With Samsung HA AR application, you can discover the groundbreaking technology of Samsung's home appliances in Augmented Reality (AR). It is an integrated app ...

Samsung AR Zone for Android

Samsung AR Zone is the official Samsung app for taking advantage of all the latest updates featuring augmented reality technology. Only some of the latest ...

What is AR Zone App

The AR Zone is a Samsung app that lets you experience augmented reality with as little visual obstruction as possible. One of the most effective tools for ...

如何在Galaxy 裝置上使用AR 貼圖

2021年11月8日 — AR 貼圖相機可以辨識您的臉,並將其變成卡通版的貼圖,看起來和您一模一樣。 參考以下說明來建立專屬於自己的虛擬人偶。 1 開啟【AR 區域】 ...

What Is the AR Zone App on Samsung Phones and Can ...

The AR Zone app on Samsung devices allows users to engage in augmented reality experiences, such as turning themselves into emojis or creating AR doodles.

AR Zone

AR Zone (Korean: AR 존) is an application on Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets. It provides numerous augmented reality (AR) tools like AR Emoji, ...

Samsung HA AR

With Samsung HA AR application, you can discover the groundbreaking technology of Samsung's home appliances in Augmented Reality (AR). It is an integrated app ...

Use AR Zone on your Galaxy phone or tablet

AR Zone on your Galaxy phone or tablet lets you create AR Emojis, doodles, stickers, and more in the Camera app.

AR Zone

AR Zone provides AR-related features such as AR Emoji and AR Doodle. Take fun photos or videos using various AR features.


WithSamsungHAARapplication,youcandiscoverthegroundbreakingtechnologyofSamsung'shomeappliancesinAugmentedReality(AR).Itisanintegratedapp ...,SamsungARZoneistheofficialSamsungappfortakingadvantageofallthelatestupdatesfeaturingaugmentedrealitytechnology.Onlysomeofthelatest ...,TheARZoneisaSamsungappthatletsyouexperienceaugmentedrealitywithaslittlevisualobstructionaspossible.Oneofthemosteffectivet...