Take Your PowerPoint into a 3D Immersive World

Aurasmaisanaugmentedrealityprogram.Aurasma'simagerecognitiontechnologyusesasmartphone'sortablet'scameratorecognize.,I'mtryingtogetamodeltakenfrom3DscanusingtheAutodesk123DCatchappintoAurasma.AccordingtotheirFAQ,thisneedstobe ...,Aurasmasupports3D...。參考影片的文章的如下:


[PDF] Aurasm

Aurasma is an augmented reality program. Aurasma's image recognition technology uses a smartphone's or tablet's camera to recognize.

Workflow Question

I'm trying to get a model taken from 3D scan using the Autodesk 123D Catch app into Aurasma. According to their FAQ, this needs to be ...

[PDF] 3D Guidelines

Aurasma supports 3D models based on the Collada format (v1.4 or v1.5). For best results, the most compatible package is 3DS Max 2012, using the OpenCollada ...

Presentation of Anatomical Variations Using the Aurasma Mobile App

To activate the Aura: 1) Download free Aurasma app from the App Store, 2) Follow “JABSOM Anatomy” channel, 3) Scan Figure 6 to launch 3D model digital overlay.

Aurasma first 3D model test

The trigger for Aurasma must be exactly the same image as your printed trigger, then you add an aura, which is the 3D .tar folder.

Share your 3D Scan in Pokémon GO

Aurasma requires a thumbnail file to be uploaded alongside 3D models and textures. This also has to be a PNG file and it has to be named ...


Aurasma is an augmented reality platform. It is available as a software development kit or as a free app for iOS and Android-based mobile devices.

Aurasma 3D Object Maya Workflow

This is a basic workflow for how to get 3D objects from Autodesk Maya into the augmented reality platform Aurasma.

3D Printing and Augmented Reality with Aurasma, Sara Russell ...

Augmented reality (AR) and 3D printing are emerging technologies rapidly gaining adoption in academia because they open new opportunities to ...


Aurasmaisanaugmentedrealityprogram.Aurasma'simagerecognitiontechnologyusesasmartphone'sortablet'scameratorecognize.,I'mtryingtogetamodeltakenfrom3DscanusingtheAutodesk123DCatchappintoAurasma.AccordingtotheirFAQ,thisneedstobe ...,Aurasmasupports3DmodelsbasedontheColladaformat(v1.4orv1.5).Forbestresults,themostcompatiblepackageis3DSMax2012,usingtheOpenCollada ...,ToactivatetheAura:1)Downloadfree...