手殘都變畫家?智能AI「 AUTO DRAW」實測!

AutoDraw適用於創建各種類型的圖像,包括標誌、漫畫、手繪圖、簡單圖示等等,當使用者繪製簡易圖形,系統會基於其繪畫的形狀提供一系列建議圖像,用戶可以從這些圖像中選擇 ...,Howtouse(whenit'syourturntodraw):1.SearchforanimageusingGoogle(https://images.goo...。參考影片的文章的如下:



AutoDraw適用於創建各種類型的圖像,包括標誌、漫畫、手繪圖、簡單圖示等等,當使用者繪製簡易圖形,系統會基於其繪畫的形狀提供一系列建議圖像,用戶可以從這些圖像中選擇 ...

AutoDraw for skribbl.io

How to use (when it's your turn to draw): 1. Search for an image using Google (https://images.google.com) 2. Drag and drop it onto the canvas 3.

AutoDraw for skribbl.io

How to use (when it's your turn to draw): 1. Search for an image using Google (https://images.google.com) 2. Drag and drop it onto the canvas 3. Sit back and ...

AutoDraw by Google Creative Lab

AutoDraw is a new kind of drawing tool. It pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help everyone create anything visual, fast. There's ...

畫圖不用怕手殘,「Auto Draw」把鬼畫符變專業圖案

由Google 在4 月11 日推出的「Auto Draw」程式隨即造成話題,這是一款主打靠電腦AI 辨識玩家所畫的圖型,並加以美化為程式預設精美圖案的小幫手。


AutoDraw. Fast drawing for everyone. AutoDraw pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast.

Made in AutoDraw

AutoDraw. Fast drawing for everyone. AutoDraw pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast.


Google的「AutoDraw」與小畫家的使用方式很類似,但多了AI人工智慧自動辨識技術,透過使用者繪製的線條稿自動辨識並列出相似的圖案供點選,使用操作流程極為 ...

美術白癡有救了!Google新功能「Auto Draw」幫你畫出正確圖案

點選Auto Draw功能,在空白處用手或滑鼠隨意畫出想要的線條,畫面上方會逐漸縮小範圍,預測辨識真正想要的主題,只要點選就能自動變成該圖案。除了自動繪畫 ...

Google AutoDraw Tutorial - A.I. Experiment

Learn about a fun and interesting AI experiment by Google called Google AutoDraw. AutoDraw makes it much easier to draw common items.


AutoDraw適用於創建各種類型的圖像,包括標誌、漫畫、手繪圖、簡單圖示等等,當使用者繪製簡易圖形,系統會基於其繪畫的形狀提供一系列建議圖像,用戶可以從這些圖像中選擇 ...,Howtouse(whenit'syourturntodraw):1.SearchforanimageusingGoogle(https://images.google.com)2.Draganddropitontothecanvas3.,Howtouse(whenit'syourturntodraw):1.SearchforanimageusingGoogle(https://images.google.com)2.Draganddropitontothe...