#IfWinActive #IfWinExist
#IfWinActive. 当#IfWin 关闭时(或从未在脚本中使用), 所有的热键 和热字串 对所有的窗口有效(除非使用Suspend 或Hotkey 命令 进行禁用). 使用#IfWin 禁用鼠标或键盘热 ...
IfWinActive for more than one window?
2022年3月6日 — It means that the context no longer applies to hotkeys or hotstrings defined below this directive. Explained: #If. Like the #IfWin directives, # ...
Hotkey - Syntax & Usage
Creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running. Hotkey, KeyName , Label, Options Hotkey, IfWinActive/Exist , WinTitle, WinText ...
IfWinActive IfWinNotActive
Checks if the specified window exists and is currently active (foremost). Deprecated: These control flow statements are not recommended for use in new scripts.
IfWinActive - Its not working
2020年12月9日 — I was providing that code (WinActivate) for testing, but your script won't need it, because the hotkeys will only work when the designated ...