
2022年12月22日—AutoTabDiscardalightweightextensionthatusesthenativemethod(tabs.discard)tounloadorsuspendbrowsertabstosignificantly ...,2022年12月17日—AutoTabDiscardisalightweightbrowserextensionthatautomaticallyreducestheamountofmemoryusedbyopenbutinactivetabs,helpingto ...,AutomatictabdiscardingisafeaturethatwasintroducedinGoogleChromebackin2015.Itisamechanismdesignedtoreducethememoryfootprin...

Auto Tab Discard

2022年12月22日 — Auto Tab Discard a lightweight extension that uses the native method (tabs.discard) to unload or suspend browser tabs to significantly ...

Auto Tab Discard – Get this Extension for Firefox (en

2022年12月17日 — Auto Tab Discard is a lightweight browser extension that automatically reduces the amount of memory used by open but inactive tabs, helping to ...

Browser Terms Explained

Automatic tab discarding is a feature that was introduced in Google Chrome back in 2015. It is a mechanism designed to reduce the memory footprint of your web ...

Chrome 110 will automatically discard background tabs. ...

2023年2月21日 — The discards tab will show you the state of all your tabs, and the right actions column contains an urgent discard link, allowing you to ...

Chrome 開始內建自動記憶體管理!你最想打開的功能

合理看待獵豹清理大師的效用。 目前這個功能被稱為「 Tab Discarding (啟用分頁捨棄功能)」,簡單的說 ...

Disable automatic tab discarding

2020年12月16日 — Stops Chrome from suspending tabs, and reloading them when you switch to them. This extension automatically tells Chrome that every tab you open ...

How to Disable Automatic Tab Discarding in Chrome

Google Chrome's automatic tab discarding feature will suspend random background tabs to reduce memory usage when the system memory is low.

How to enable or disable automatic tab discarding in ...

2023年12月6日 — Automatic tab discarding is a feature in Google Chrome that suspends inactive tabs to reduce memory usage when system memory is low.

Is there a way to disable automatic tab discarding for ...

2022年4月20日 — Chrome discards tabs automatically after 10 minutes if the RAM utilization reaches 91%. I have not been able to find a work around for this.

Tab Discarding in Chrome - A Memory-Saving Experiment

2015年8月31日 — Discarding unused tabs ... Tab discarding allows Chrome to automatically discard tabs that aren't of great interest to you when it's detected that ...