ThemovieisbestrememberedforitsastonishingCGIandthecreationofaspeciesandenvironmentsorealisticthatit'shardtobelievethatitwascreatedon ...,Itwasbeautiful,charming,andgavemeafeelingofcompleteimmersion.It'sashamethatthemoviehassomemomentsofcleardatin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Original Avatar Movie Review

The movie is best remembered for its astonishing CGI and the creation of a species and environment so realistic that it's hard to believe that it was created on ...

Film Review: Avatar (2009) - Flicks and Bricks

It was beautiful, charming, and gave me a feeling of complete immersion. It's a shame that the movie has some moments of clear dating, and it's ...

Avatar (2009) is pretty great, even though its story feels very common

Well, Avatar is frankly gorgeous. It succeeds in visually contrasting the opposing groups in the film. The vivid colors of nature are soothing ...

Avatar Review

Said to be the most expensive film ever made Avatar is a depressing statement about Hollywood's desire to use its ever-advancing technology at the expense of ...

Avatar Movie Review

評分 4.0 · Sandie Angulo Chen · The movie is long (at 161 minutes) and intense, with several effects-heavy battle and hunting sequences that show the devastation of ...

Rewind Review

The visual effects are unarguably stellar, but the rest of the film doesn't match. “Avatar” is great if you're just looking for something cool ...

Avatar (2009) - User reviews

Avatar is one of the best films of the year. The most exciting, thrilling, and superb work you'll feast your eyes on in any theater this century. Cinema, ...

Cameron retains his crown movie review (2009)

Avatar in my opinion is the greatest movie ever created, a monument of film making. I don't know how you found the story line boring, it was one of the best I' ...


評分 81% (334) “Avatar” remains a transporting experience – an entertaining blend of old-fashioned adventure and technological wonder. Content collapsed.

Avatar review

The advance word on its use of High Frame Rate is good. Well, it has to be said that Avatar 1 has aged uneasily in the years since 2009.


ThemovieisbestrememberedforitsastonishingCGIandthecreationofaspeciesandenvironmentsorealisticthatit'shardtobelievethatitwascreatedon ...,Itwasbeautiful,charming,andgavemeafeelingofcompleteimmersion.It'sashamethatthemoviehassomemomentsofcleardating,andit's ...,Well,Avatarisfranklygorgeous.Itsucceedsinvisuallycontrastingtheopposinggroupsinthefilm.Thevividcolorsofnaturearesoothing ...,Saidtobethe...