第1步開啟AwesomeHighlighter網站首頁,將你要畫重點的網頁網址貼上中間的方框,再按一下「HighlightPage」按鈕。...第2步接著我們可以直接用滑鼠左鍵選取網頁中的文字, ...,CharacterGlowKitoffers4shades–moonstone,goldenhour,halo,andholoslope.Thehighlypigme...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Awesome Highlighter 幫任意網頁畫重點、加註解!

第1步 開啟Awesome Highlighter網站首頁,將你要畫重點的網頁網址貼上中間的方框,再按一下「Highlight Page」按鈕。 ... 第2步 接著我們可以直接用滑鼠左鍵選取網頁中的文字, ...

Best Highlighter Collection

Character Glow Kit offers 4 shades – moonstone, golden hour, halo, and holo slope. The highly pigmented and silky-smooth formula of face highlighter is just ...

Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web

Best highlighting tool for Website and PDF. FREE and easy to use. Highlight & organize your research with Weava online Web & PDF highlighter.

Highlighter Icon

Highlighter icon in the Solid style. Make a bold statement in small sizes.. Available now in Font Awesome 6.

An awesome highlighter of HTML page

An awesome tool to highlight your selected text, inspired by Super Simple Highlighter. Usage. Highlight your selected text with custom style.

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The 13 Best Highlighters, Tested and MUA-Backed

The CHANEL Baume Essential Multi-Use Glow Stick wins the gold for its versatile cream formula in an easy-to-use stick that delivers ...


Awesome Highlighter is a tool for highlighting text on web pages, enabling users to save and share them with other users.

Guys! Check out these awesome highlighter PENCILS! They work ...

Guys! Check out these awesome highlighter PENCILS! They work so well, don't bleed through thin pages, won't dry up on you and are plastic free!

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第1步開啟AwesomeHighlighter網站首頁,將你要畫重點的網頁網址貼上中間的方框,再按一下「HighlightPage」按鈕。...第2步接著我們可以直接用滑鼠左鍵選取網頁中的文字, ...,CharacterGlowKitoffers4shades–moonstone,goldenhour,halo,andholoslope.Thehighlypigmentedandsilky-smoothformulaoffacehighlighterisjust ...,BesthighlightingtoolforWebsiteandPDF.FREEandeasytouse.Highlight&organizeyourresearchwithWeav...