
Azure Pricing Overview

Get started with a free trial or a consumption-based pricing model that lets you pay only for the cloud resources you use and scale as you grow. Azure products · Azure Monitor · Azure Communication · Azure App Service

Pricing Calculator

Pricing calculator. Calculate your estimated hourly or monthly costs for using Azure. Get started with Azure.

Microsoft Azure 入口網站

在Microsoft Azure 入口網站中建置、管理和監控您所有的應用程式。專為您、您的團隊和專案打造的單一整合中樞。

Microsoft Azure Portal

Build, manage, and monitor all your apps in Microsoft Azure Portal. A single, unified hub built for you, your team, and your projects.

Sign in to Azure

Microsoft Azure. Sign in to Azure.

Microsoft Azure

使用Microsoft Azure 開放又有彈性的雲端運算平台,進行目標明確的開發、節省成本,並提升組織的效率。 認識 Azure · Azure DevOps · Azure Arc · Azure Local

Azure Portal

沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

Azure DevOps Services

Plan smarter, collaborate better, and ship faster with Azure DevOps Services, formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services. Get agile tools, CI/CD, ...


有目的地发明,节约成本,让你的组织能够更高效地利用Microsoft Azure 灵活的开放式云计算平台。

Create Your Azure Free Account Or Pay As You Go

Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications. Azure DevOps · Azure AI Speech · Explore Free Azure Services

