
2016 Hard Drive Reliabilty Benchmark Stats

The overall hard drive failure rate for 2016 was 1.95%. That's down from 2.47% in 2015 and well below the 6.39% failure rate for 2014.

2016 Hard Drive Failure Rates for 2TB - 8TB Drives

We take a look at the hard drive performance of over 65000 hard drives ranging from 2TB to 8TB drives. Find out the best performers.

Backblaze 2016 Year in Review

Backblaze 2016 Year in Review ; 20 billion files restored ; 30% more hard drives. We'll finish out this year with over 72,000 hard drives spinning ...

Backblaze 對2016 硬碟損耗狀況的分析– Gea

Backblaze 針對2016 年的硬碟損耗狀況進行分析,這次因為剛好是跨年,所以包括了2016Q4 與2016 全年度的資料:「Backblaze Hard Drive Stats for 2016」。

2016 年第二季HDD 硬碟大評比,冠軍是誰呢?

Backblaze 是知名的雲端備份公司,它所提供的服務小至個人資料的備份 ... Backblaze 2016 Q2. 由於測試的硬碟實在是太多了,因此這張圖表僅列出有 ...

Hard Drive Stats for Q2 2016

Backblaze Hard Drive Reliability for Q2 2016 · The models that have an annualized failure rate of 0.00% had zero hard drive failures in Q2 2016.

[Hard Disk] Q2 2016 Backblaze 硬碟維修率

美國雲端網路空間租賃公司Backblaze 日前公布了2016年第二季各廠牌的硬碟維修率。 ... 在2016 Q2 中,統計日期為01-April-2016 thru 30-June-2016。

Backblaze 的2016 硬碟良率報告,HGST 果然還是不二選擇啊

可以看到,其中損壞率最高的,這次變成是Seagate 的ST4000DX000 這款桌上電腦用的4TB 硬碟(Desktop HDD),其損壞率高達13.57%,相較於平均值的1.95%,算是非常 ...

BackBlaze 公布2016 年第二季硬碟妥善率數據,參考價值或許為零

4TB 故障率是較高的8.72%,但 BackBlaze 部署數量僅46 顆,而故障率最低的6TB 僅0.88%,部署數量說不上是太多的457 顆。居中則為3TB 版本,平均故障率4.53%, ...

Hard Drive Test Data

Beginning in 2016 we uploaded the Drive Stats dataset for a given quarter. Prior to 2016 the datasets uploaded were annual (2013, 2014, and 2015). Each item ...


Theoverallharddrivefailureratefor2016was1.95%.That'sdownfrom2.47%in2015andwellbelowthe6.39%failureratefor2014.,Wetakealookattheharddriveperformanceofover65000harddrivesrangingfrom2TBto8TBdrives.Findoutthebestperformers.,Backblaze2016YearinReview;20billionfilesrestored;30%moreharddrives.We'llfinishoutthisyearwithover72,000harddrivesspinning ...,Backblaze針對2016年的硬碟損耗狀況進行分析,這次因...