14 day Rotational Full and Differential Backup

Loading…Signin.,Backup4allprotectsyourvaluabledatafrompartialortotallossbyautomatingbackuptasks,passwordprotectingandcompressingittosave ...,Thisbackupprogramkeepstrackoffileversions.Youcaneasilyrestoreanyversionoffilesorawholefolder.Backup4allte...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download Backup4all Professional 9.0.261

Backup4all protects your valuable data from partial or total loss by automating backup tasks, password protecting and compressing it to save ...

Backup4all Professional Download

This backup program keeps track of file versions. You can easily restore any version of files or a whole folder. Backup4all tests the backup files automatically ...

Backup4all Professional 7.3 build 403 Free Download

Backup4all is a backup software for Windows that protects your data from partial or total loss. It automates the backup process saving you time, compresses the ...

Backup4all Professional 9 - 67% off MSRP

Backup4all is an easy-to-use but very capable backup tool, available in three different versions. The basic Lite edition is aimed at home users.

Backup4all Professional 9 | Cloud backups | Zip Compress

Backup4all is a feature-rich backup software that automatically protects your valuable data from total or partial loss.

[正版購買] Backup4all 9.9.969 免安裝中文版

檔案備份雲端同步工具- Backup4all,支援完整備份、差異備份、增量備份、鏡射備份,能夠將檔案備份到本機磁碟、光碟(CD、DVD、藍光)、內部網路、雲端(FTP、Azure、Amazon ...

Compare editions

Backup4all Professional is the full edition with all features enabled, while Standard and Lite are the limited-functionality editions. You can use the.

Download current version

評分 4.3 (589) Download current version. Backup4all can be used for up to 30 days for FREE, with all features enabled. During the 30 days trial period, ...


Loading…Signin.,Backup4allprotectsyourvaluabledatafrompartialortotallossbyautomatingbackuptasks,passwordprotectingandcompressingittosave ...,Thisbackupprogramkeepstrackoffileversions.Youcaneasilyrestoreanyversionoffilesorawholefolder.Backup4allteststhebackupfilesautomatically ...,Backup4allisabackupsoftwareforWindowsthatprotectsyourdatafrompartialortotalloss.Itautomatesthebackupprocesssavingyo...