
Badlandisa2019AmericanWesternfilmsetmorethanadecadeaftertheAmericanCivilWar.WrittenanddirectedbyJustinLee,itdepictsaPinkerton ...,Inspiredbyreal-lifekillersCharlesStarkweatherandCaril-AnnFugate,thistaleofcrimeandlovebeginsinadead-endtown.Teenageg...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Badland (2019 film)

Badland is a 2019 American Western film set more than a decade after the American Civil War. Written and directed by Justin Lee, it depicts a Pinkerton ...


Inspired by real-life killers Charles Starkweather and Caril-Ann Fugate, this tale of crime and love begins in a dead-end town. Teenage girl Holly (Sissy ...

Badlands (1973)

An impressionable teenage girl from a dead-end town, and her older greaser boyfriend, embark on a killing spree in the South Dakota Badlands.

Badlands (film)

The film stars Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek, and follows Holly Sargis (Spacek), a 15-year old who goes on a killing spree with her partner, Kit Carruthers ( ...


Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek play young lovers on a shooting spree across 1950s South Dakota in Terrence Malick's turbulent, gut-grabbing masterwork.


Martin Sheen and Academy Award winner Sissy Spacek star in the story of two young lovers who will do anything to be together...even commit murder. South Dakota.


BADLANDS is a minimalist thriller from famed director Terrence Malick, a film which gets by on mood, feeling, and a sense of dejected atmosphere and inevitable ...

Watch Badlands

Dramatization of the Starkweather-Fugate killing spree of the 1950's ,where a teenage girl and her boyfriend slaughtered her entire family and several others in ...


Badlandisa2019AmericanWesternfilmsetmorethanadecadeaftertheAmericanCivilWar.WrittenanddirectedbyJustinLee,itdepictsaPinkerton ...,Inspiredbyreal-lifekillersCharlesStarkweatherandCaril-AnnFugate,thistaleofcrimeandlovebeginsinadead-endtown.TeenagegirlHolly(Sissy ...,Animpressionableteenagegirlfromadead-endtown,andheroldergreaserboyfriend,embarkonakillingspreeintheSouthDakotaBadlands.,Thefilmstar...