
[PPT] The Balanced Scorecard

The Balanced scorecard is a management system that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. Provides an ...

Balanced Scorecard PowerPoint Templates & Presentation Slides

You can use our 100% editable Balanced Scorecard slides (BSC slides) to prepare a professional business presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides.


The new Balanced Scorecard translates a business unit's mission and strategy into tangible objectives and measures.

Balanced Scorecards Infographics for Google Slides & PPT

Features of these infographics · 100% editable and easy to modify · 30 different infographics to boost your presentations · Include icons and Flaticon's ...

[PPT] Balanced Scorecard Templates

The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning and management method used to: align business activities to a vision and strategy of ... Balanced Scorecards.

[PPT] The Balanced Scorecard What is it?

Definition: The Balanced Scorecard is a management tool that provides stakeholders with a comprehensive measure of how the organization is progressing towards ...

[PPT] The Balanced Scorecard

An effective scorecard will identify a set of strategic questions, objectives, and measures that address the issue of adding value--and doing so at a rate that ...

Balanced scorecard | PPT

The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government and nonprofit organizations ...

Balanced Scorecard Presentation | PPT

The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that monitors organizational performance against strategic goals.

Free PowerPoint Balanced Scorecard Templates & Slides

Download balanced scorecard templates in a 4-perspectives format, a strategy map, a dashboard, and more.


TheBalancedscorecardisamanagementsystemthatenablesorganizationstoclarifytheirvisionandstrategyandtranslatethemintoaction.Providesan ...,Youcanuseour100%editableBalancedScorecardslides(BSCslides)toprepareaprofessionalbusinesspresentationinMicrosoftPowerPointorGoogleSlides.,ThenewBalancedScorecardtranslatesabusinessunit'smissionandstrategyintotangibleobjectivesandmeasures.,Featuresoftheseinfogra...