Battery Doctor for the iPhone 6 Plus.



About: Battery Doctor

Battery Doctor helps you to extend your battery life by analyzing your usage and gives you access to advanced charging data information.

Battery Doctor

Battery Doctor - Master of Battery Maintenance is a free app for iOS published in the System Maintenance list of apps, part of System Utilities. The company ...

Battery Doctor for iPhone

2016年1月28日 — Battery Doctor is an app that monitors your iPhone's battery, helping you adjust various apps and settings to make your battery last as long as ...

Battery Doctor iPhone-App

Battery Doctor ist das Allround-Tool für Ihren iPhone-Akku. Die App protokolliert alle Ladezyklen, gibt Tipps für längere Laufzeiten und zeigt an, welche Apps ...

Battery Doctor لنظام iPhone - تنزيل

Battery Doctor هو تطبيق يراقب بطارية iPhone الخاصة بك ، مما يساعدك على ضبط مختلف التطبيقات والإعدادات لجعل بطاريتك تدوم لأطول فترة ممكنة.

Battery Life Doctor Pro 4+

Optimize your battery health with Battery Doctor! Get battery tips, status info, fast cleanup phone photos and cool charging animations.

Battery Life Doctor Pro for iOS

2020年3月30日 — Battery Life Doctor Battery Life is a battery app help you how to maintain the battery life. With professional battery charging tips, ...

Battery Life Doctor Pro na App Store

Battery Life Doctor – Battery Life is a battery app help you how to optimize the battery life. With professional battery charging tips, Battery Life Pro can ...

可有效延長iPhone電池壽命的電力檢測程式,iTunes五顆星 ...

2010年7月25日 — 程式名稱:Battery Doctor Pro - Max Your Battery Life 售價:限時特價0.99美元(原價2.99美元) 下載連結:


BatteryDoctorhelpsyoutoextendyourbatterylifebyanalyzingyourusageandgivesyouaccesstoadvancedchargingdatainformation.,BatteryDoctor-MasterofBatteryMaintenanceisafreeappforiOSpublishedintheSystemMaintenancelistofapps,partofSystemUtilities.Thecompany ...,2016年1月28日—BatteryDoctorisanappthatmonitorsyouriPhone'sbattery,helpingyouadjustvariousappsandsettingstomakeyourbatterylastaslongas ...,Battery...