
Behind the Pulse

The new and upgraded Prelude is to be launched on Kickstarter in September and the buzz is that people are already in line for this smart and powerful power ...

【周二新品發表】BEZALEL Prelude 智能無線行動電源帶了充電寶 ...

... BEZALEL,經過一年多來研發的全新產品,今天終於在Kickstarter 正式上線啦! BEZALEL 倍加能將充電的方便再提升一個層次, 隨手即可將行動電源吸附在手機背後就可以開始 ...

TechOrange 科技報橘- 發跡於Kickstarter 的Bezalel...

發跡於Kickstarter 的Bezalel 倍加能,有著十分宏遠的夢想,要讓世界再也不存在著 充電線。 只要搭配倍加能的手機殼與行動電源,不能無線充電的 iPhone 也 ...


BEZALEL is raising funds for Latitude - First iPhone Case for Universal Wireless Charging on Kickstarter! The first & only wireless charging ...


BEZALEL is raising funds for Prelude: Portable Wireless Charging with Zero Cables on Kickstarter! Finally, wireless charging means cord-free ...

Prelude X Series: The Cutting

BEZALEL is raising funds for Prelude X Series: The Cutting-Edge MagSafe Wireless Charger on Kickstarter! Compact, sleek yet powerful.

Prelude: Portable Wireless Charging with Zero Cables

BEZALEL is raising funds for Prelude: Portable Wireless Charging with Zero Cables on Kickstarter! Finally, wireless charging means cord-free ...


ThenewandupgradedPreludeistobelaunchedonKickstarterinSeptemberandthebuzzisthatpeoplearealreadyinlineforthissmartandpowerfulpower ...,...BEZALEL,經過一年多來研發的全新產品,今天終於在Kickstarter正式上線啦!BEZALEL倍加能將充電的方便再提升一個層次,隨手即可將行動電源吸附在手機背後就可以開始 ...,發跡於Kickstarter的Bezalel倍加能,有著十分宏遠的夢想,要讓世界再也不存在著充電線。只要搭配倍加能的手機...