Birdy performing Strange Birds Live on KCRW




[Verse 1] Little ghost, you're listening. Unlike most you don't miss a thing. You see the truth. I walk the halls invisibly

Strange Birds

Recommended based on this song ; Take ControlKodaline ; Two Men in LoveThe Irrepressibles ; HelpHurts.

Strange Birds 異類- Birdy 柏蒂

Strange Birds 異類歌詞- Birdy 柏蒂Little ghost, you are listening, Unlike most you don't miss a thing, You see the truth, I walk the halls invisibly, ...

Strange Birds-歌詞

Little ghost, you're listening, Unlike most you don't miss a thing, You see the truth. I walk the halls invisibly, I climb the walls, no one sees me,

[歌詞中文翻譯]Birdy - Strange Birds

2014年4月3日 — Little ghost, you are listening, 脆弱的遊魂你注意到我了嗎. Unlike most you don't miss a thing, 你和別人不同你總是仔細傾聽


[Verse1]Littleghost,you'relistening.Unlikemostyoudon'tmissathing.Youseethetruth.Iwalkthehallsinvisibly,Recommendedbasedonthissong;TakeControlKodaline;TwoMeninLoveTheIrrepressibles;HelpHurts.,StrangeBirds異類歌詞-Birdy柏蒂Littleghost,youarelistening,Unlikemostyoudon'tmissathing,Youseethetruth,Iwalkthehallsinvisibly, ...,Littleghost,you'relistening,Unlikemostyoudon'tmissathing,Youseethetruth.Iwa...