
10 Best Alternatives to BitComet

If you like BitComet for its remote-control app, Transmission has arguably the biggest range of third-party remote-control options to suit your ... Introduction · BitComet Alternatives at a... · Transmission · uTorrent Classic

BitComet vs Transmission: Which is Better? (2021)

BitComet is a BitTorrent/HTTP/FTP download client and supports many modern bittorrent protocol, e.g. Magnet Link, HTTP Seeding, DHT network, UDP tracker, etc.

BitComet vs. µTorrent - Speed Problems - Forums

BitComet download and seeds torrents faster than μTorrent. The d/uload speed is more stable and less sporadic compared to μTorrent.

Comparison of BitTorrent clients

The following is a general comparison of BitTorrent clients, which are computer programs designed for peer-to-peer file sharing using the BitTorrent protocol. BitComet · Transmission (BitTorrent · qBittorrent · BiglyBT

Deluge + Plus = BitComet

BitComet 在Windows 的BT 界是一套跛有知名度的P2P 檔案傳輸軟體,可在Ubuntu 裡也有對應的Deluge,只要改點小設定也可像BitComet 那樣個別下載、檢視各檔進度、觀看用戶 ...

Is Transmission better than other BitTorrent clients in any way? If so ...

It's simple, ad free, free and open source. It just does its job and get out of my way. Plus, you can use it on a remote computer/server ...

Please ignore the padding files inserted by BitComet Client in torrent.

BitComet hacks the protocol and generates those padding files, it sucks, but I still hope transmission can ignore them.

rtorrents on Reddit

Transmission maxed out around 7.5 MB/s while qBittorrent hit 9.6 MB/s and hovering around 8.5-9 MB/s. For Transmission Remote GUI I used https ...

Transmission vs. Qtorrent, which one is better for .torrent?

There are many clients for torrent files, but which one do we choose? In this article we will talk about Transmission and Qtorrent.

三大BT下載軟體(迅雷, BitComet, uTorrent)的下載速度精研(第19頁)

三大BT下載軟體(迅雷, BitComet, uTorrent)的下載速度精研. 前往頁尾. 164157 ... 迅雷vs transmission 剛剛比了一下還是大輸迅雷啊! 如果有需要我可以提供這一個 ...


IfyoulikeBitCometforitsremote-controlapp,Transmissionhasarguablythebiggestrangeofthird-partyremote-controloptionstosuityour ...Introduction·BitCometAlternativesata...·Transmission·uTorrentClassic,BitCometisaBitTorrent/HTTP/FTPdownloadclientandsupportsmanymodernbittorrentprotocol,e.g.MagnetLink,HTTPSeeding,DHTnetwork,UDPtracker,etc.,BitCometdownloadandseedstorrentsfasterthanμTorrent.Thed/uloads...