FFmpeg in 100 Seconds

Theideabehind2-passencodingisthatbyrunningFFmpegtwiceitcanfirstanalyzethevideotodecidehowtobestallocatethebitstomeetthespecific ...,Thiswillputtheoutputintoajsonfileandputthebitrateofallstreamsofthefile.Theseareusuallythebitratesforvideoandaudio....。參考影片的文章的如下:


how do I save the videos in an specific bitrate using ffmpeg?

The idea behind 2-pass encoding is that by running FFmpeg twice it can first analyze the video to decide how to best allocate the bits to meet the specific ...

finding bitrate of videos using ffmpeg

This will put the output into a json file and put the bitrate of all streams of the file. These are usually the bitrates for video and audio.

How to specify audio and video bitrate - ffmpeg

In order to specify the target bitrate for video and audio, use the -b:v and -b:a options, respectively. You can use abbreviations like K ...

Reducing bitrate with ffmpeg using `-b

500k for 1080p is way too low and you will get poor results. If you wish to target such a low bitrate, I suggest you downscale to 480p (854x480).

Limiting the output bitrate

Limiting the output bit rate to a certain range makes sense if you are live streaming or need to be constrained to a certain specification.


The range is exponential, so increasing the CRF value +6 results in roughly half the bitrate / file size, while -6 leads to roughly twice the ...

How to change video bitrates using FFmpeg

Learn how to adjust bitrates using FFmpeg's different options to optimise video for storage, streaming or any other purpose.

Ffmpeg is ignoring my video bitrate setting

The input for this video, showed a static bitrate (as reported by mediainfo and emby) of 13.5Mbps, after the ffmpeg, the output is 50% larger ...

Are there any general guides for resolution-bitrate ratio?

720p is usually pretty good between 2-4 Mbps, maybe 8 for transparency. 1080p is usually pretty good between 5-8 Mbps, maybe 15 ...

How to Encode with FFmpeg 5.0

FFmpeg maintains the same audio channels and samples as the source file and applies a bitrate of 128Kbps. The key thing to remember is that ...


Theideabehind2-passencodingisthatbyrunningFFmpegtwiceitcanfirstanalyzethevideotodecidehowtobestallocatethebitstomeetthespecific ...,Thiswillputtheoutputintoajsonfileandputthebitrateofallstreamsofthefile.Theseareusuallythebitratesforvideoandaudio.,Inordertospecifythetargetbitrateforvideoandaudio,usethe-b:vand-b:aoptions,respectively.YoucanuseabbreviationslikeK ...,500kfor1080piswaytoolowandyouw...