
Bitstrips -

Bitstrips is a fun form of selfies where you insert yourself into a comic. You can send someone good wishes, make fun of a silly situation, or ...

What Happened to Bitstrips?

The company was acquired by Snapchat in the summer of 2016 and the original Bitstrips comic service was shut down not long afterward. Bitstrips' ...

Bitstrips for Android

評分 4.0 (2) · 免費 · Android Bitstrips is an app that gives you the ability to create caricatures of yourself and your friends, which you can then put into comics to share on social ...


The company's web application, Bitstrips.com, allowed users to create comic strips using personalized avatars, and preset templates and poses. Brown and ...


Choose from over 25 printable comic activities to continue giving students a creative way to demonstrate their understanding. Bitstrips for Schools Activity ...

Bitstrips Comic Creator

Bitstrips is your new online funny pages! FREE online toys make it FAST, FUN and EASY to create awesome comics. Create any character, including YOU and your ...


r/bitstrips: A subreddit for sharing your Bitstrips comics or reminiscing about the good old days.

Bitstrips for iPhone

評分 3/10 (2) · 免費 · iOS Make fun comic strips starring you and your friends. Bitstrips is a fun app that allows you to design and share your own comic strips.

Bitstrips App:臉書超紅自製趣味漫畫

Bitstrips App:臉書超紅自製趣味漫畫. △建立漫畫有三種模式,「Status Comic」模式可以選擇多種環境;「Friend Comic」則是能加入FB 朋友建立的 ...


Bitstripsisafunformofselfieswhereyouinsertyourselfintoacomic.Youcansendsomeonegoodwishes,makefunofasillysituation,or ...,ThecompanywasacquiredbySnapchatinthesummerof2016andtheoriginalBitstripscomicservicewasshutdownnotlongafterward.Bitstrips' ...,評分4.0(2)·免費·AndroidBitstripsisanappthatgivesyoutheabilitytocreatecaricaturesofyourselfandyourfriends,whichyoucanthenputintocomicstoshareonsocial ...