
美國加州《Big Sur》

像是被簡稱為Bixby Bridge的Bixby Creek Bridge建於原路段開路時的1932年,落成之時是全世界最高的單孔橋樑。它美麗的身影現在也成了Big Sur的最著名的代表 ...

Bixby Bridge

It is a reinforced concrete open-spandrel arch bridge. The bridge is 120 miles (190 km) south of San Francisco and 13 miles (21 km) south of Carmel in Monterey ...

【遊】Bixby Creek Bridge (Big Sur Monterey Bay)

從Hearst Castle 一路開回Monterey Bay 加州一號公路是駕駛人的惡夢- 彎延屺曲山路 卻是乘客最幸福的享受- 無邊際的海岸山色美景

Bixby Creek Bridge

Eighteen miles south of Carmel stands one of the world's highest single-span concrete arch bridges. Its beauty is matched only by the ocean waves crashing on ...

Instagram 上的Big Sur

地標和名勝古蹟•6556則貼文. 熱門近期在此地區 · Photo by Jude Allen in Big Sur - Bixby Bridge with @mazmanphotography. Photo by Jude Allen in Big Sur - Bixby ...

Bixby Bridge (2025)

評分 4.5 (1,464) Built in 1932, Bixby bridge is a picturesque sight in stunning Big Sur and one of the most photographed bridges on the Pacific Coast Highway.

BIXBY BRIDGE (2025) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with ...

評分 4.5 (1,464) Built in 1932, Bixby bridge is a picturesque sight in stunning Big Sur and one of the most photographed bridges on the Pacific Coast Highway.

Bixby Bridge

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Big Sur's Bixby Bridge

Completed in 1932 for just over $200,000, the concrete span, one of the highest bridges of its kind in the world, soars 260 feet above the bottom of a steep ...


比克斯比溪大橋(英語:Bixby Creek Bridge),又名比克斯比峽谷大橋(英語:Bixby Canyon Bridge),座落於美國加利福尼亞州大瑟爾海岸,由於其獨特的外觀,是加利福尼亞州其中 ...


像是被簡稱為BixbyBridge的BixbyCreekBridge建於原路段開路時的1932年,落成之時是全世界最高的單孔橋樑。它美麗的身影現在也成了BigSur的最著名的代表 ...,Itisareinforcedconcreteopen-spandrelarchbridge.Thebridgeis120miles(190km)southofSanFranciscoand13miles(21km)southofCarmelinMonterey ...,從HearstCastle一路開回MontereyBay加州一號公路是駕駛人的惡夢-彎延屺曲山路卻是乘客最幸福的享受-無邊際的海岸山色美景,...