How to Block Sketchy Websites on Safari and Chrome for Mac

WithAppBlock,youcaneasilyblockanywebsitewithjustafewclicksandevenblockwebsitesbasedonkeywords.Whetheryou'retryingto ...,Followthesesteps:GotoSettingsandtapScreenTime.TapContent&PrivacyRestrictionsandenteryourScreenTimepasscode.TapContent ...,Free...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在Mac App Store 上的「AppBlock

With AppBlock, you can easily block any website with just a few clicks and even block websites based on keywords. Whether you're trying to ...

Block Websites

Follow these steps: Go to Settings and tap Screen Time. Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions and enter your Screen Time passcode. Tap Content ...


Freedom blocks distracting websites and apps on Mac and Windows computers. When you block websites on a computer with Freedom, a green block screen is displayed. How to Block Facebook · How to Block TikTok · How to Block YouTube · Log


SelfControl is a free Mac app that helps you avoid distracting websites. Block your own access to websites or mail servers for a pre-set length of time.

Best Ways To Blacklist Apps And Block Websites On Mac

In this article, you'll learn how to activate Screen Time web content restrictions, how to block websites on Safari Mac without parental controls.

A Parental Guide to Blocking Websites on Mac

Mobicip empowers parents to block websites on Mac by offering customizable block lists, scheduling features, and real-time activity reports.

Blocking websites on Mac

You can set up a OpenDNS and configuring it to block said websites then setting your DNS servers in settings. ...

Anyway to block website? : rSafari

Download a blocking app like Freedom, BlockSite, or Net Nanny from the App Store and follow the setup instructions. Whether you're using a Mac ...

5 Ways to Block and Unblock Websites on a Mac

The easiest way to block websites on a Mac is with Screen Time, but you can also do it with third-party apps or even in Terminal. Blocking and Unblocking in... · Unblocking with Hacks and... · Blocking with Apps...

How To Block Websites On Your Mac There are three main ways to block websites on your Mac. Youc an use Screen Time, but that only works for Safari.


WithAppBlock,youcaneasilyblockanywebsitewithjustafewclicksandevenblockwebsitesbasedonkeywords.Whetheryou'retryingto ...,Followthesesteps:GotoSettingsandtapScreenTime.TapContent&PrivacyRestrictionsandenteryourScreenTimepasscode.TapContent ...,FreedomblocksdistractingwebsitesandappsonMacandWindowscomputers.WhenyoublockwebsitesonacomputerwithFreedom,agreenblockscreenisdisplayed.HowtoBlockFace...