blumind mappe
blumind mappe

沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2023年7月12日—Blumindisaspecialtoolthathasbeendesignedtomapmindmappingabreeze.Thesoftwarepromisestobeveryeasytouseandprovidesa ...,2011年11月2日—Blumindisalightweightandpowerfulmindmappingtool.Ithassimpleandeasyuserinterface,...


2023年7月12日—Blumindisaspecialtoolthathasbeendesignedtomapmindmappingabreeze.Thesoftwarepromisestobeveryeasytouseandprovidesa ...

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2023年7月12日 — Blumind is a special tool that has been designed to map mind mapping a breeze. The software promises to be very easy to use and provides a ...


2011年11月2日 — Blumind is a lightweight and powerful mind mapping tool. It has simple and easy user interface, multiple document editing, supporting for ...

Blumind is a lightweight Mindmap tool, runs on Windows ...

Blumind is a lightweight Mindmap tool, runs on Windows and coding in C# - funwaywang/Blumind.

Blumind per Windows

Blumind è un editor per diagrammi o schemi mentali che ti aiuta a esprimere tutti i tuoi progetti ed idee in un modo semplice e veloce.

Blumind 小巧快速的中文免費心智圖軟體,激盪靈感、夠用就好

和許多免費心智軟體相比,Blumind最明顯的特色就是非常小巧,安裝檔體積只有305KB,而執行時也只佔用35MB左右記憶體,下圖中可以看到剛剛打開的Xmind就已經佔用了114MB, ...


2012年10月3日 — Blumind is a lightweight and powerful mind mapping tool, and it is free. Features: ○The basic mind map of the edit, view, print and others

Download Blumind Portable

Download Blumind Portable 3.2.902.24361 - Application which enables you to create, edit, view and print mind maps, with a feature-rich environment and ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2023年7月12日—Blumindisaspecialtoolthathasbeendesignedtomapmindmappingabreeze.Thesoftwarepromisestobeveryeasytouseandprovidesa ...,2011年11月2日—Blumindisalightweightandpowerfulmindmappingtool.Ithassimpleandeasyuserinterface,multipledocumentediting,supportingfor ...,BlumindisalightweightMindmaptool,runsonWindowsandcodinginC#-funwaywang/Blumind.,Blumindèuneditorperdiagrammi...

Blumind 3.2 簡易的心智圖、結構圖軟體

Blumind 3.2 簡易的心智圖、結構圖軟體
