boxcryptor linux
boxcryptor linux

評分3.3(3)·免費·iOS▸SyncyourfileswithyourdesktopdeviceswithBoxcryptorforMac,WindowsandLinux.▸SecurefileencryptionusingAES-256andRSA-4096standards ...,評分4.8(21)Boxcryptorisaneasy-to-useencryptionsoftware,optimizedforthecloud.Haveallyourfilesalwa...



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在App Store 上的「Boxcryptor」

評分 3.3 (3) · 免費 · iOS ▸ Sync your files with your desktop devices with Boxcryptor for Mac, Windows and Linux. ▸ Secure file encryption using AES-256 and RSA-4096 standards ...


評分 4.8 (21) Boxcryptor is an easy-to-use encryption software, optimized for the cloud. Have all your files always at hand in Microsoft Teams — additionally protected ...


Boxcryptor won't start on fedora workstation standard install. 2 S The Linux version is broken the same way as Windows portable version.

Where's the portable Linux client?

Here is the installer for Linux:

Boxcryptor Shuts Down

... Boxcryptor's services will no longer be available to new users ... Was available on Windows, macOS, Linux (portable only), iOS, and Android ...

FAQ Boxcryptor - IT Center Help

Can I use Boxcryptor with Linux? The portable version of Boxcryptor can be installed on Linux systems, but it cannot be used in conjunction with sciebo ...

Migration Guide

With Dropbox acquiring several key assets from Secomba GmbH i.L., Boxcryptor will be discontinued and we will cease our service.


Security for your cloud. Boxcryptor protects your data in the cloud: in OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive and more. We’re joining Dropbox! · Migration Guide · Imprint

Boxcryptor 專為雲端檔案而生的加密、解密免費軟體提升 ...

簡單來說,它的加密動作無需設置密碼,但同樣會變成加密檔,誰都無法開啟,只有你綁定的電腦能打開使用,而且無需解密。 這樣 ...

Boxcryptor Alternative : rlinuxmasterrace

It's called Boxcryptor and you can encrypt and decrypt your dropbox (or any other cloud storage) files on the fly. Unfortunately Boxcryptor is ...


評分3.3(3)·免費·iOS▸SyncyourfileswithyourdesktopdeviceswithBoxcryptorforMac,WindowsandLinux.▸SecurefileencryptionusingAES-256andRSA-4096standards ...,評分4.8(21)Boxcryptorisaneasy-to-useencryptionsoftware,optimizedforthecloud.HaveallyourfilesalwaysathandinMicrosoftTeams—additionallyprotected ...,Boxcryptorwon'tstartonfedoraworkstationstandardinstall.2STheLinuxversionisbrokenthesamewayasWindows...