
Chromebook issue

Uploading from the Chromebook built-in memory works just fine. I've submitted a request for support, but have not heard back from them yet.

Boxcryptor on Chrome OS

Are there any plans to port boxcryptor to Chromebooks? Would be a great security tool when combined with any of the supported cloud storage ...

Support ChromeOS File Manager Integration

ChromeOS does offer certain deep integrations, for instance for VPN and File Systems. Other Encryption apps like Boxcryptor support these kind ...

Unable to use linux desktop in chromebook's linux

I have installed ctmt inside chromebook's linux, by appimage AND flaktap?. both result in the GUI missing the menu etc, and for the window that select folder ...


評分 3.9 (6,088) · 免費 · Android 使用Boxcryptor,您可以在將文件上傳到Dropbox,Google Drive,Microsoft OneDrive和許多其他提供商之前對其進行加密,而不會犧牲安全性,私密性或舒適性。在本地輕鬆加密文件, ...

[PDF] Manual

It is a security software that adds a security layer to the cloud storage of your choice. Therefore, Boxcryptor does not store your data. The responsibility of ...

Copying and moving files to Boxcryptor protected folders on ...

As my device supports Android apps in addition to the native ChromeOS operating system, I have installed the Boxcryptor Android app.


Security for your cloud. Boxcryptor protects your data in the cloud: in OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive and more.

How To Prove Data Encryption On Chromebook

To check the encryption status on a Chromebook, go to Settings > Device > Encryption options. Here, you will see if your device is encrypted or not.

Boxcryptor for Chrome Screencast

Visit www.boxcryptor.com and find out how we make it possible for you to secure your files in your cloud storage for free.


UploadingfromtheChromebookbuilt-inmemoryworksjustfine.I'vesubmittedarequestforsupport,buthavenotheardbackfromthemyet.,ArethereanyplanstoportboxcryptortoChromebooks?Wouldbeagreatsecuritytoolwhencombinedwithanyofthesupportedcloudstorage ...,ChromeOSdoesoffercertaindeepintegrations,forinstanceforVPNandFileSystems.OtherEncryptionappslikeBoxcryptorsupportthesekind ...,Ihaveinstalledctmtinsidechrome...