
BoxcryptorClassicisanencryptionsoftwareoptimizedforcloudstorage.WithBoxcryptorClassicforiOSyoucaneasilyaccessyourencryptedfoldersvia ...,BoxcryptorClassicoffersyouthecapabilitytoaccessencryptedfoldersfromyoursmartphoneortableteffortlessly.Itdoesn...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Boxcryptor Classic 1.5 Free Download

Boxcryptor Classic is an encryption software optimized for cloud storage. With Boxcryptor Classic for iOS you can easily access your encrypted folders via ...

Boxcryptor Classic for Android

Boxcryptor Classic offers you the capability to access encrypted folders from your smartphone or tablet effortlessly. It does not compromise on security as it ...

Boxcryptor Classic Download

Boxcryptor Classic is a program designed to secure data in the cloud. The program automatically encrypts all files stored in the created virtual ...

Dropbox acquisition of Boxcryptor

I use Boxcryptor Classic 1.7 to encode files in a specific folder of my computer which then I sync with my online Dropbox. Thus, the files ...

Boxcryptor Community

Boxcryptor Classic Mac OS X 10.11 - El Capitan. Hi onliner, Edit your BoxCryptor volume settings and enable Trash support. I think it was working the same ...

Boxcryptor Classic 1.7.409.20180501

Boxcryptor Classic was the first product of the Boxcryptor family to secure data in the cloud - officially released in 2011. It grew from a ...

Boxcryptor Classic for Windows 10

評分 4.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows · Boxcryptor Classic allows you to use Dropbox and Microsoft SkyDrive without sacrificing safety, privacy and comfort!


評分 3.9 (6,088) · 免費 · Android 輕鬆保護雲中文件的安全!最好的:它是免費的! 使用Boxcryptor,您可以在將文件上傳到Dropbox,Google Drive,Microsoft OneDrive和許多其他提供商之前對其進行加密,而不會 ...

[PDF] Manual

Boxcryptor Classic is the predecessor of Boxcryptor which has been discontinued. ... • Changed: Boxcryptor now mounts at -/Boxcryptor instead of Nolumes/ ...


Security for your cloud. Boxcryptor protects your data in the cloud: in OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive and more. We’re joining Dropbox! · Migration Guide · Imprint


BoxcryptorClassicisanencryptionsoftwareoptimizedforcloudstorage.WithBoxcryptorClassicforiOSyoucaneasilyaccessyourencryptedfoldersvia ...,BoxcryptorClassicoffersyouthecapabilitytoaccessencryptedfoldersfromyoursmartphoneortableteffortlessly.Itdoesnotcompromiseonsecurityasit ...,BoxcryptorClassicisaprogramdesignedtosecuredatainthecloud.Theprogramautomaticallyencryptsallfilesstoredinthecreatedvirt...